A Pretty Good Year


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2013
Southern Indiana
2018 was pretty good to me. Started off kind of slow, with a fruitless hog hunt in Alabama and turkey tag soup in Indiana, then picked up steam once fall arrived.

First hunt was Wyoming pronghorn and cow elk.

First day of the hunt, BIL shot his first pronghorn:


About 2 hours later, I shot my biggest buck to date:


Another 2 hours later, BIL filled his buck tag:


After all the pronghorn tags were filled, we hunted elk for 2.5 days before getting an opportunity at my cow. We saw quite a few elk, and the bulls were screaming, up close and personal in thick timber and deadfall. We also had several close encounters with moose, and saw a couple real nice muley bucks.

My cow:


I really do love this part of Wyoming.


Next was archery whitetail at home. I saw several shooter bucks this year, best year ever as far as sightings and encounters, but never sealed the deal during archery. And just when the rut was starting to heat up, it was time to head to Colorado for a solo 3rd season hunt.

I really enjoyed the Colorado hunt. I was tempted both mornings I hunted by a 3 y/o looking 2 point, almost shot a thin horned shallow forked 4 point the 2nd morning as well, and saw quite a few small bucks and does. I shot my buck on the afternoon of Day 2, my biggest mule deer to date and one I was thoroughly happy with.



(orange removed for pics)



I got home in time to hunt the rifle opener here at home. Finally everything lined up after many encounters in archery and I got my WT buck down. Definitely not my biggest, but my first at home since 2015.


So all in all 2018 was pretty good to me.

Good luck to all the HT community in 2019, safe trails and happy hunting.
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Great job of putting it all together. Not just the hunting but the research and planning to pull off all those different hunts. I like the homegrown whitetail the most, probably because I've hunted them the least.
Grats on a fantastic year! And as you shared,

LCH said:
Good luck to all the HT community in 2019, safe trails and happy hunting.

Thanks and back at'cha for 2019!