A perfect day!

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
This might could go in the Small Game forum, but it seems more appropriate here around the campfire, so to speak. Last week was extremely cold with temperatures between -20 to -60 all week long. Saturday I couldn't take it anymore. It was -35 to -40 and I just had to get outside. I'm no good at being cooped up for any extended period of time. I asked my boys if any of them wanted to go rabbit hunting. They all wussed out. I think they were afraid that their yellow flowers might freeze and fall off their pink panties. However, my 7 year old daughter said, "Hey dad I want to go rabbit hunting with you!" So I bundled her up and we headed out. We had a blast. She isn't a'feared of the cold. She actually thrives in it. Like her dad she's no good at being cooped up either.

As you can see, she isn't sissy about holding dead bunnies.

We pretty much got every rabbit we saw, but one kept sneaking in it's hole every time we tried to approach. My daughter noticed that in the bottom of our lunch bag there were some mini-carrots. She asked what would happend if we stuck a carrot by the rabbits hole. I replied the rabbit would probably eat it. We decided to try it. So, I got out and stuck a carrot in the snow. I placed it so that we could approach the rabbit from a different angle in hopes it wouldn't notice us. We took off to check another area and returned 20 minutes later. The plan worked. The photo below was taken right were the rabbit took his last bite. Note the carrot in front of him and his hole behind him. Love it when a plan works.

We dubbed this rabbit as her's as she was the one that came up with the idea to trick the wascally wabbit. Here she is with wascally Bugs.

Finally the day was coming to an end and I said we had to head for home. She didn't want to go as she was having too much fun. I promised to stop by a little country store on the way home and buy her a candy bar. She wasn't completely satisfied but accepted. While at the store I called my wife to let her know we were heading home and would be there in about an hour. My daughter asked to talk on the phone. First she told her mom about all the rabbits, then about her "carrot-rabbit". Towards the end of the phone call she mentioned that she was having fun and didn't really want to come home. Mom, bribed her by telling her that one of her favorite dinners would be ready when she got home. Just before she handed the phone to me she told her mother that "Today was the best day ever!"

Special kudos to you on taking your girl out. Now that is being a real Father. I remember as a kid my Dad trying to bribe Moosie to come out and learn how to fix the brakes or something. Mooseman could have cared less. I on the other hand was desperate to learn all things mechanical and asked if I could come help instead. He said "naw forget it". Obviously I didn't. :(

Looks like you had a heck of a time. Your little girl looks like a tough cookie. :)
Great pics and good job on the wabbits. Your daughter is a trooper. I know what you mean about being cooped up too long. I ended up taking by son and daughter #2 out ice fishing at Fort Peck. One nice walleye and a fair sized northern was their reward for being out in the -25 deg. cold. Good job and keep it up.

Big Sky, where did you get them panties for the boys? I need to get a set in 2xxl for my oldest son, he doesn't like to go out when its below 30 degrees, but his wife loves it. Congrats on the bunnies and having a "BEST DAY EVER" with your daughter.
its great to see parents taking their kids out when they want to go.kudos on being a great dad
I thought it was illegal to bait in Montana :D That was so cool. My daughter will be taking hunters safety this year and I can't wait. I went through it with my son and it was great but I am really looking forward to getting her out next fall chasing grouse and maybe to eastern MT for a deer and antelope trip. I shot bunnies a few times when I lived in Malta and I do miss that not the cold temps though. Jerry
jerrym, it's illegal to bait "game animals" in Montana. Cottontails are considered non-game. Got to stay on top of those loop holes you know.
Bigsky, you're a blessed man! What a gorgeous lil gal you got there and a hunter to boot! Thanks for the pics with the story. That made my day!
Nice looking rabbits you guys got hump :D :D Glad to hear that you and your daughter had fun out there. sounds like we women may have another female hunter in the works... :) :p :) :p
Quick Draw
What a great way to spend the day...Just reading your story made me think back when my girls were little and I'd take them rabbit hunting with me out at Ft.Lewis...

Mtmiller, you'll have to ask my son's hawk how the jacks eat. That is what I killed them for. I would have to be starving to death to try a jack rabbit.
What kind of hawk does your son have? Is he into the falconry thing? Sage grouse sure look good this time of year. :D
mtmiller, my son is in to the whole falconery thing. This summer we built the pen and he got all his legal paper work in order. He has a mentor here in Sidney, and all my son has left to do is trap a redtail hawk this spring. From what his mentor tells me it isn't very difficult. We are currently stock piling food for the bird. Fun for me, but has sucked for the local rabbit and pigeon population. :D
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