Yeti GOBOX Collection

A new state record largemouth



here In az a new state record largemouth might be in the works. A guy fishing sunday caught the largemouth weighing over 15 lbs. he was fishing in 60 feet of water. when he got it to the boat it broke off and dived down. but it came back up(floated up) over by this otherguys boat. he yelled thats the fish I lost and went over and netted it. He couldnt let it go back cause he caught it to deep. (thats where the needle thing comes in).
there isnt an official weight as of yet . I will let you know when I find out.

A buddy of mine who fishes everyday. called his brother at work today. told him the fishing sucked he only caught 2 (which was the best he did all week) however one was a 7.5lb largemouth.

Our water is still 54º so its pretty cold . we have had some decent warm weather here for a week now so we will see how it goes this weekend

I bet that guy is a happy camper and he should be,good for him.

I have not had any time to fish of hunt the past two weeks,I am breaking away sunday and headed to the coast for some Red fish and trout.
I decided to get up early in the am (5 hours) and go somewhere I dont know where yet but the boat is now hooked up.

Well at least your boat is running.My dad just called and said the starter went out on him yesterday while he was shrimping. Looks I will be canoeing the creeks for Red fish instead.Thats where the best fishing is anyways.

The boats a '92 and this is the first problem since it was new so I can't complain.
Shane thats a bummer sorry to hear about the boat problem.
You get it fixed yet?

The 15lb fish is not a state record it was shy by a few oz's. My taxidermist has it at his shop the thing is huge. This is one fish that could have not survide catch and release because it was caught so deep.

DELW I went over looked at it late sunday,me thinks it is the solinoid.It only stops working when the motor is hot ( like chevy).I jumped the solinoid and it fired right up.I should have fixed by the weekend I hope if I can get the part.

Too bad for that guy.I had a buddy caught a LM Bass out of a canal on Disney property,it was 3 ounces from the state record.He still ended up with all kinds of free tackle to use.

[This message has been edited by ShaneFl'06 (edited 02-27-2001).]
wow just catching a fish close to the record would be good for me. They give the guy tackle too????
Maybe we should start rainging them hehe

Sounds like a solonoid to me
