A Moment You're Looking Forward To

Nameless Range

Well-known member
Jun 6, 2013
Western Montana
HuntTalk seems a bit punchy lately, but I think everybody has things they are looking forward to.

I look forward to all sorts of hunting and fishing and events, but more than the season as a whole, I tend to romanticize perfect moments, and am generally a bit cheesy. As I've been working out, shooting my rifle, and sticking to a diet for the last 3 months I have found comfort and motivation in a single moment I am anticipating. This place is still under 4 feet of snow, but I can't wait until the November day I am walking through this chunk of timber with a rifle in hand, creeping along where elk go to hide. It's about 3 miles and 1500 feet up from the truck, but when I get there I will feel like I've made it once again. This moment is a recurring daydream for me, and an anchor for discipline.


What moment, if any, are you looking forward to? It doesn't have to be a hunting one.

The moment that I would be looking forward to this coming season is similar. I look forward to September days more than anything and can't wait to let that first bugle off and wait for that response. For myself that's where nothing else in the world matters just the chess game between me and mr bull elk.
Wish I could look forward to elk season, but I'm just not sure that I will be able to go at all this year. However, I am looking forward to spending Memorial Day weekend up on Fort Peck catching whatever will bite for three days!
I'm looking forward to the first bird that the pup brings to hand. That moment will be the pay off for all the puking, vet bills & hours spent yelling a few key words.
Ice will be off the lakes in a week or two, the hills are melting off, and fish killing season is almost hear. In the meantime picking up moose antlers will be first, then mountain time for sheep in Aug and caribou in Sept.


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Great idea for a thread. I could fill this page up with pictures of things that I'm looking forward to. Here's one that I've been thinking about a lot lately. I'm wanting to put up some cameras in a few spots that I found last season.


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Lots to look forward to this year, easy ones being hunting season and the god awful wind taking a summer break here in Wyo. But the one date I'm anxiously awaiting is June 25th, my last day as an active service member. Super nervous for what awaits as I have yet to nab a job. Good offers on the table, but unfortunately none are in a location that could pull us away from this region. Really looking forward to growing a freedom beard and opening this next chapter. Let us not forget that May 10th is when we find out that I've been issued another PP for Wyo Big Horn and Moose! Bring on the summer camping, camp fires and ice cold beer.
If July, this year, is as good as July last year, I'll be fine.




I am looking forward to the crisp early morning hours when the trucks (including whatever I buy this summer) are loaded and we head to elk camp this OCT. The drive from FtCo up through WY and then back down is always exciting to me. Starting to see animals as we go. Hopefully a little snow here and there and finally "being" back in the mountains. It will be the first year with the new tent set up, new rigs and hopefully a chance to break in my new pack!!
interesting. I most look forward to smells. For me they deliver hands down the best most viseral feelings and emotions. There's the smell of snow in the sun on an alpine meadow with subalpine fir; the smell of heat in a doug fir forest with a chorus of heat beetles in the background (I honestly have no idea what they are, I've never seen them, but they only make noise on hot days... 95+); and the first frost on a sage flat and dried grass flat.

I agree nameless with the perfect moments. They're what I'm after. And when they occur, if there's anyone around, I have to stop them and point it out. Seems like so many are driven by X that they can't see the perfection.
I'm looking forward to late June, early July...when Copas boy #2 makes his appearance. And hunting Wyoming again this year.
Man there are several things I look forward to at the moment. Lots to be thankful for I reckon. First I guess I look forward to some summer activities spending time in the lake with family fishing and swimming and going on lots of nice hikes this summer getting in mountain shape. Had one this morning actually 4 miles with some elevation gains.
I look forward to draws especially the sheep and goat ones hoping for that tag of a lifetime. Then come Oct I look forward to grabbing the bow and hitting the Appalachian mountains in all their glory chasing deer/bear and lastly hitting NM to chase the bull of a lifetime hopefully.
Great thread idea. Gratitude. I’ve got a lot to be grateful for and a lot to look forward to. My son, Wylie Traver, was born last week. The thing I’m looking forward most right now is being out in the woods with him, my daughter, and my wife this summer when I drag them out to scout a new elk area in preparation for hunting this fall. A week in the mountains with my family. Nothing sounds better. Here’s the new guy:


Whatever you’re looking forward to this year, I hope you have fun.
Great thread! looking forward to my first born in October, taking my step son out for his second year of hunting, chasing elk in Wyoming with my brother, and taking my new lab out for her first season of hunting. Now that I think about it I have a lot to look forward to!!!!
The snows went away and I am waiting for them to come back. I miss fresh track, the bawls20180216_125605.jpg of the hounds, and mountain lions in trees.


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