A little first light luck

Pretty sure my bitching was about deer numbers not the size of the bucks I was seeing or not seeing. Considering 20 years ago there weren’t elk in this area I’d assume they are doing alright unlike our mule deer

And you are also comparing a carp(mule deer) to an elk(walleye). Sure both are edible but I know which one I’m going to take
After the snow, wind, and cold on Sunday afternoon through yesterday evening I had a hunch on where some elk would be hanging this morning. Started slowly hiking and glassing as I made my way in. The fresh snow made picking things out nice in the early dawn light. Right at 6:35 I pick out two bulls grazing at about 350 yards. The wait for 7:05 took forever it seemed. By the time it was about legal shooting light the bulls were 900 yards out and I was stuck out in the opening with no move to make. Once they made their way around a little rise I made an 800 yard sprint to cut them off before they made it onto private. Popped over the hill to catch them walking straight away. Gave a little cow call and the back bull turned broadside at 270 yards. Put the 140 grain Berger from the short barreled 6.5 prc behind his shoulder. He stumbled 20 yards standing quartering towards me wobbling. Put another one into his shoulder and he flipped over backwards and was done. Glad to have another year of an elk in the freezer
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We may disagree, but I am genuinely happy for your success.
