A Dream Becomes Reality

Awesome Adventure put into words and captured in images by two of the best. I could feel the rain.
Truly outstanding hunt, recap, photos, and critters!!
Thank you for taking us along with some remarkably talented story telling!
Thank you, Marcus, for the undoubtedly 'above average' documentation.
Reading through this from start to finish with my clothes and hat damp from the first rain here in weeks only added to the ambiance of the story.
Living the dream...
I appreciate your appreciation! Too many people experience the extraordinary and fail to consider thoughtfully the opportunity granted.
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That is definitely the top of my list but not sure I will ever get to do it. Congrats on such an amazing trip and thanks for sharing the stories and amazing pics!
Your images brought back thoughts of my uncle and I many miles from the nearest village in AK. Having fresh moose tenderloin over a fire with fried potatoes while watching the sunset over the awesome Alaskan mountains back in 2012. Times I will take to my grave with me. Congrats that is one hell of an adventure that very few get to experience. Awesome animals with what sounds like awesome folks. WOW!!!!!!
Very nice write up of an AMAZING adventure. Thanks for taking the time to write it up and share it with us. Big thanks to Marcus on the photos that captured everything so well.

Attitude is so important on everything in life. I'm sure there could have been a completely different slant on this story written by someone complaining about it raining all the time and being stuck in camp due to weather. Way to make the most of it and sounds like you guys really did.

Amazing story, fantastic stills, two great bulls. Wow, what an experience. Thank you for sharing it. I can't wait to see the footage.
Fantastic hunt Randy! Like you say, go out and get er done! Marcus thanks for all of the great photos you took. Truly amazing!!! Cant wait to see the abbreviated version on TV!
Very cool story! It's nice to see people actually chase that big bucket list item. I've been trying to make it a point to knock out some of the smaller ones, but I have my eye on the big one that is similar to yours. Congrats on the great hunt and adventure. You now have great stories and memories to cherish for the rest of your life.
Wow!! Just wow! Thanks Randy for taking us on your great adventure and the encouragement to put the same on our own calendars! Time to start planning!
That was an amazing write-up of a truly epic hunt of a lifetime. Thanks for letting those of us who will probably never get to have an adventure like that live vicariously through you and those amazing pics taken by Marcus.

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