A crazy double!


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2016
Saturday started out a quiet morning in the turkey woods. It was well after daylight before I heard the first gobble of the morning, I was starting to wonder if the turkeys were even there. They weren't gobbling a lot when they finally woke up but at least they were there. After a little while I let out a couple calls to let them know I was there. It wasn't long when I caught movement to my right and wouldn't you know it was a coyote sneaking in towards my lone hen decoy at a mere ten yards! When I swung towards the coyote it turned and ran about ten yards before stopping and looking back, which was a fatal mistake! Dead coyote at 20 yards, or so I thought. After a couple minutes I heard a gobble again, maybe there's still a chance the turkeys will come in I thought to myself, so I let out a couple more calls. Then the woods went quiet when the birds flew down, and I didn't know if they were going to come my direction or not. Just then I noticed a slight twitch from the coyote, I was thinking it was just nerves. About then the coyote tried picking its head up but really couldn't. Just as I was about to shoot the coyote again here comes the turkeys! As the first hen came over a little rise the coyote tried to raise its head again, the hen spotted it and froze. I thought the gig was up and the turkeys would run the other way, to my surprise they kept coming. As they got closer this happened two more times, but finally two of the three hens committed to my "coyote decoy" and low and behold there was two toms right on their tails! The hens started putting at the coyote when they got close to it with the toms in tow. Finally the toms got to 25yds and the strutter got a load of #6's! Tom down! After a second shot to finish off the coyote I had the craziest double!! I would have never guessed a coyote would be a good turkey decoy!
How is it that sometimes those silly birds seem so smart, and other times will do as yours did and walk up to a not yet dead coyote?

Congratulations on a fine bird.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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