A Boy and his Bonefish


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2015
We have been coming down to Eleuthera (an Outer island of the Bahamas) for 15 years. It is to DIY bone fishing what the Rockies are to DIY Elk. This afternoon I took my daughters boyfriend down island 20 miles to a favorite flat to catch the incoming tide, left my son a rigged rod and told him we’d fish when I got back.

While we were gone, the boy decided to grab his rod, tell mom he was ‘going fishing’, walked out of the house 20 yards down the beach, made one cast and caught his first bonefish. His sister helped him land it and Mom came out and got the pic...which I got as a text after getting skunked.

It took me a lot of trial, error and failure to catch my first bonefish on a fly rod. This kid did it by himself in 5 minutes. What a natural :)


Internet is lousy here today with some storms but I’ll send you guys PMs with info
That's taking the bull by the horns. Congratulation on the first of many more to come.
The little guy wanted to sleep in so me and daughters boyfriend got some time on the morning tide down in the mangrove creeks this morning. Tailing fish everywhere for a couple hours! Even rocked the bonefish shirt for good luck:



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Awesome! Dream trip for me. Congrats to the boy! I went to Belize for my honeymoon. I tried like heck for a bonefish all week and, aside from a little one I caught blind casting, came up empty. We were cursed by a terrible cold front and strong winds for 7 days straight that had the water so churned up you couldn't hardly see your toes, let along a bonefish. I vowed that someday I'd return there, or to the Bahamas for revenge. Looks like you've got it figured out!
Awesome! Congrats to the little man! That's the kind of DIY adventure I could convince my wife of going on.
Awesome! Congrats to the little man! That's the kind of DIY adventure I could convince my wife of going on.

It is an excellent compromise. I will say that the bonefishing on this particular island has gotten noticeably harder and I've found less fish in the 'known' spots since we started going 15 years ago, but it's still DIY bonefish and an amazing place with wonderful people.

P.S. - Cush and Richard - I sent you guys a PM.
That's what we are in need of! If not that species, in that location, something like that could be well received. My feeble wheels are turning...
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