.410 side arm for bear

In my opinion flares are an old technology for illumination and signaling that, while work as good as they always have, have obviously been replaced by newer technology.

If i we're carrying a flare and were attacked by a bear then yeah I suppose it could be an improvised weapon. I would probably lose.

How many people are really killed by bears? Time for me to go back to worrying about exposure, fall injuries, and drowning... the actual real world.
I shared my opinion after watching the video. If you disagree that is fine but save the Rose dating personal chatter for someone else.
If you have never set one of those off at night you would be amazed. It's like turning on the lights outdoors.

Did you have anything to add on the flares?
Unfortunately, I do not have anything to add regarding marine flares. I've never actually substituted a marine flare for a firearm while bear hunting or as a concealed, carry weapon during my routine, daily activities for that matter. However, I did enjoy your video recommendation featuring military weaponry, video games, gang violence and especially, the exploding watermelons. The content of your posts is certainly consistent but unfortunately irrelevant or at best peripheral. Thank you for the opportunity to respond, PrairieRattler, and please give my regards to "Rose." I'm a big fan.
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Unfortunately, I do not have anything to add regarding marine flares. I've never actually substituted a marine flare for a firearm while bear hunting or as a concealed, carry weapon during my routine, daily activities for that matter. However, I did enjoy your video recommendation featuring military weaponry, video games, gang violence and especially, the exploding watermelons. The content of your posts is certainly consistent but unfortunately irrelevant or at best peripheral. Thank you for the opportunity to respond, PrairieRattler, and please give my regards to "Rose." I'm a big fan.

Let's be fair here. He's posting to a thread about a 410 handgun. We are already talking about silly oddities in the first place. Much less for bear defense. Sort of
like a thread about not getting crushed by a vending machine.

Now if someone was considering a 410 handgun, then it stands to reason they might lug around a flare as well.

Yeah he may be irrelevant for posting to this thread, but so did we. Good grief.
In my opinion flares are an old technology for illumination and signaling that, while work as good as they always have, have obviously been replaced by newer technology.

If i we're carrying a flare and were attacked by a bear then yeah I suppose it could be an improvised weapon. I would probably lose.

How many people are really killed by bears? Time for me to go back to worrying about exposure, fall injuries, and drowning... the actual real world.

Some of us live, play, and work where G. Bears are common and have the chance of running into one with some regularity. So, I guess it is our "real world". I'll be in that situation again this weekend, my normal.
Yea it's rare but - the man who recently lost his life due to a bear encounter operated in that world.

Nothing to do with the .410 nor the flare ideas. Just a comment on perception(s)...………..
Some of us live, play, and work where G. Bears are common and have the chance of running into one with some regularity. So, I guess it is our "real world". I'll be in that situation again this weekend, my normal.
Yea it's rare but - the man who recently lost his life due to a bear encounter operated in that world.

Nothing to do with the .410 nor the flare ideas. Just a comment on perception(s)...………..

I personally carried bear spray in Alaska but not in Michigan, despite the bear poop I was stepping around. I do think there are dangers that most of us seem less concerned about that are actually much more likely (see my fav article on the subject below). But the main point of my post was in response to some people making seemingly nonsensical bear and other people mocking them. My point is that the the whole conversation isn't exactly the most sensicle conversation in the first place so bantering about it in an even more silly manner doesn't completely make sense.
Wowza I’m afraid I opened a giant can of worms with my original dumb question. I originally thought of a .410 handgun would be nice due to its versatility of ammunition (slug, Buck, .45 and bird shot) shoot small game if it is in season with my sidearm also kinda considered a break down.22 for getting a little fresh meat for the camp diet. After all the advice I think neither will make the final backpack gear list. Probably will toss in my slingshot for giggles. Confident with it for small game and it’s super quiet. Thanks everyone who chimed in ���� Carrying bear spray on both myself and partners hips with extra cans at camp.
I don’t know what’s more terrifying, a 700 lb snarling bear chewing on me, or the idea of being burnt alive while it’s chewing on me.

The flare comes in handy in case the bear prefers meat cooked while it's eating you alive.
In close in combat, I elect to carry a handgun before opting for a rifle or shotgun. I would carry a handgun and bear spray with both where can reach with either hand. Imagine being knocked down and the attacker chomping on your arm or pinning you down then you needing to maneuver the gun until have your finger on the trigger while the barrel is pointing at or touching the attacker. Your shotgun or rifle may very well be a fancy club in that situation. James Bond would carry a machine pistol since he gets all the best tools.
Wowza I’m afraid I opened a giant can of worms with my original dumb question. I originally thought of a .410 handgun would be nice due to its versatility of ammunition (slug, Buck, .45 and bird shot) shoot small game if it is in season with my sidearm also kinda considered a break down.22 for getting a little fresh meat for the camp diet. After all the advice I think neither will make the final backpack gear list. Probably will toss in my slingshot for giggles. Confident with it for small game and it’s super quiet. Thanks everyone who chimed in ���� Carrying bear spray on both myself and partners hips with extra cans at camp.

Shotgun slugs are rather malleable, and can deflect off of hard surfaces. A .410 slug would have a much greater chance of deflecting off a bear's skull than would the same caliber hard cast lead handgun bullet. Your only chance of stopping a bear charge with a firearm is a deeply penetrating wound either into the head/CNS area or into a major artery. I understand your quest for versatility, but I'm not sure this really fits what you are looking to achieve.
In close in combat, I elect to carry a handgun before opting for a rifle or shotgun. I would carry a handgun and bear spray with both where can reach with either hand. Imagine being knocked down and the attacker chomping on your arm or pinning you down then you needing to maneuver the gun until have your finger on the trigger while the barrel is pointing at or touching the attacker. Your shotgun or rifle may very well be a fancy club in that situation. James Bond would carry a machine pistol since he gets all the best tools.

Unfortunately most people are not competent enough to hit a charging bear with a pistol. But many hunters can hit a flying dove/quail/duck/ditch parrot quite well with a shotgun. If you gave 100 hunters a pistol and 100 hunters a shotgun and asked them to shoot at a basketball rolling down a hill it would be a landslide victory for the shotguns IMO. And the power of a shotgun is going to be more than all but the biggest pistols.

In reality every attack is different and what work on one won't in another. We know in this most recent case spray was not enough. And the pistol ended up being thrown, not fired because the hunter was not even competent enough with a pistol to make it shoot. So it turned out much like your club comparison.

Regardless of what works best overall it should really be about what each person competent with as in this case a very nice Glock pistol was useless. I think that is part of the reason bear spray is recommended over other options is because that's about all most people are qualified to operate in that situation.

Another interesting thing to look at is what do people carry for dangerous animals like rhinos, lions, tigers, hippos, water buffalo, cayman, crocs, etc in other parts of the world.
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Unfortunately, I do not have anything to add regarding marine flares. I've never actually substituted a marine flare for a firearm while bear hunting or as a concealed, carry weapon during my routine, daily activities for that matter. However, I did enjoy your video recommendation featuring military weaponry, video games, gang violence and especially, the exploding watermelons. The content of your posts is certainly consistent but unfortunately irrelevant or at best peripheral. Thank you for the opportunity to respond, PrairieRattler, and please give my regards to "Rose." I'm a big fan.

Like the energizer bunny you are still going with the personal insults rose chatter. Must be something you keep up with as I simply don't get the humor, but you obviously think it's funny.

Please feel free to point out where I suggested substituting a flare for a firearm. I'll give you a hint, I never did.

I did suggest that it would provide light during a night time attach, which is what the flare was designed to do, put off light. I also suggested it would be useful as a fire starter in an emergency, which is also true.

Ironically your posts are consistent, just trolling and not really adding much of anything useful to the conversation, just lame attempts at personal insults. Keep up the fine work.

Next time try reading the posts as all you have done is make a fool of yourself here, and shown that you must follow "Rose" closely to make this many jokes about her. LOL
This flare talk is awesome; funny enough I was talking to a "vagrant" this summer who pulled a flare out of his pocket that he was carrying for protection
I can’t believe i just wasted several minutes of my life reading this ridiculous thread!

#1 - the only person on the planet that could deploy and light a flare before a bear was on them is named Flash Gordon! Don’t believe me? I challenge you to a duel. If you can light your flare before I spray you in the face, I’ll buy you a case of greenhorn’s favorite beer.

#2 - to the OP...you could have avoided half the ridiculousness if you would have said something like “would a Taurus Judge be effective” instead of saying .410. Hopefully, nobody here actually would consider shooting a bear with a .410. And yes, 45 Colt or 454 Casull (all shot from the same pistol) should more than do the job...if you can hit it, in the right place, before it tears your scalp off.

for me...I’ll stick to bear spray
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The flare comes in handy in case the bear prefers meat cooked while it's eating you alive.

Apparently you can keep bears from eating your food if you pee around your food.

So if you pee your pants will the bear not eat you? But if you crap your pants this might attract them and counteract the effect.

Coordinating my natural fight or flight response on this one might be a challenge.

If you douse yourself with bear spray he might think you are sick with tb and not worth the risk of eating.
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So after reading EVERYTHING what I come away with is left hand deploy bear spray right hand shoot .300 Mag hunting rifle drop grab shotgun shoot left hand drop empty bear spray grab and light flare finally deploy bodily fluids and hope the bear tucks your head between your legs to kiss it all goodbye ����
So after reading EVERYTHING what I come away with is left hand deploy bear spray right hand shoot .300 Mag hunting rifle drop grab shotgun shoot left hand drop empty bear spray grab and light flare finally deploy bodily fluids and hope the bear tucks your head between your legs to kiss it all goodbye ����

So for most of us deploy bodily fluids will happen much further up the list. In all fairness.
Apparently you can keep bears from eating your food if you pee around your food.

So if you pee your pants will the bear not eat you? But if you crap your pants this might attract them and counteract the effect.

Coordinating my natural fight or flight response on this one might be a challenge.

If you douse yourself with bear spray he might think you are sick with tb and not worth the risk of eating.
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