NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2nd Chance Blacktail

Little Big Man MT Chris

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2016
ORYGUN Coast Range
I don't know where to begin other than saying WOW did this really happen ? Yesterday I got the chance to hunt with my parents, mom and dad wanted to tag along and provide extra eyes while I chased Oregon Blacktails, we got to the woods before dark and got back to the area I wanted to hunt that day and waited for sunrise to start checking and glassing the clear cuts in the area I chose to start the days hunt , when we got to the 3rd cut of the morning I got out of the truck and told the folks I wanted to walk ahead and glass the bottom along the backside of the cut , I slowly worked my way about 300 of the 400 yards I chose to walk, it was down hill the whole way. When I got to the last corner , I signaled back to dad and he drove down and I hopped in the truck and we went around the corner to the landing to turn around, when 75 or so yards ahead I saw a white butt of a deer tail up headed for the timber , deer I shouted!!! He hopped twice and when he hit the timber he stood broadside I got my glass on him and just saw big horns , not sure what but knew he had size , big buck I said as I opened the door, looked at where I saw him last he was gone ! He just quickly walked into the thick cover and disappeared. And then it started all the what if's and second guessing , why didn't I just look around the corner and glass the last 100 yards , I walked and glassed the rest , I know better than that I muttered. We left and never looked for him , I felt it's pointless with the heavy stuff he went into , hunted the rest of the day with the folks we saw 6 more deer and a cow elk but no bucks , dad and I kept talking about that buck and how he walked into the cover after he hit the timber and we felt he wasn't pushed out of that area, and like all of us , I played the what ifs around in my head all day until I went to sleep that night . Told my folks at first light tomorrow I gonna be back there and see if he's back out in that bottom. Driving up there this morning I said there's slim chance I will see him again , I worked so hard to find a big buck in the open and I blew it , I have 4 days left maybe I can find another buck any buck . But I have to start today where I messed up yesterday. Got to the top of the cut 30 min before sunrise and waited till it was time , the sun was up and I was off rifle in one hand binocs in the other. Slowly worked my way down the 400 yards again. 2 or 3 steps , glass .... and on I went until I got to the bottom. NOTHING .... no deer at all , at least I did it right this time , I thought to myself as I looked at where I saw the buck the day before . The thought went through my head I should just bust tail back to the top. Then I said to myself no I will just walk slow , grabbed the rifle barrel and put it over my shoulder and slowly walked back up hill. After 15 to 20 yards I herd a snap in the timber below me to my right , I turned to look and wondered what that noise was. It was back in the timber a ways must have been a branch break and fall there was a little wind , it seemed reasonable when out of the corner of my eye I saw a deer !!! It was also standing still , intently looking in the direction of the sound that came from back in the timber, drew up my glass , it's a buck !!!! It's him !!! He feed out behind me after I passed that area , I glassed the bench he was on 5 or 6 times as I worked my way down this morning. I hit the ground and moved to the edge of the road , I tried to calm myself as I said he doesn't know your here take your time . The buck was still looking back into the timber. I put the cross hairs on him , calmed myself the best I could .... BOOM !!! Nothing , missed and the buck was still standing , not only that he never moved but stood motionless looking back into the timber towards the original sound . I quickly reloaded, cross hairs back on the buck , lowered my aim , tried to relax ...... BOOM .... saw the bucks head and neck snap back and he just dropped !! Buck Down I can't believe it ... he's down ... my mind was racing . I went down and found him then headed back to my truck , I had IMG_4089.jpg2 bars on the cell, was able to call mom , said your not gonna believe this, that big buck from yesterday, I got him he's down . Mom said what ??? No way , I said yes , he's way in the back corner and I need help getting him out , where on our way mom replied, and the celebration was on ! On a side note when I got to my buck I realized why the day before when we were within just under 100 yards of him in our truck he Hauled his back side for cover , he had an old bullet hole through an ear from some other hunter in another season, also the buck was shot about. 300 yards from where I saw him the day before , I don't have a range finder but dad and I feel it was around a 150 yard shot, also i have no idea what made that noise that alerted me and that buck, but i dont know if i would have saw him had not that loud snap back in the timber caught my ear and made me turn and look back down hill off to my right. To sum it all up all I can say is tonight I feel truly blessed and thankful I got to share this with my parents. And still can't believe it , I got a second chance and pulled it off.IMG_4100.jpg
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Here is 2 other pics I wanted to share from my buck, the 1st shows how swollen his neck is from being in the rut the second show his ear was split open and torn up from past seasons of fighting to mate , bullet hole in one ear and one all busted up in the other, just an old battle scared stud
Love yer "sola" sig line; always appropriate, but particularly in those amazing instances where a gift like this is given!

Congrats on a gorgeous buck excellent work talking yourself into slowing down. That can be tough! I love the look of those antlers what a beautiful animal!
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