26 days

Is that what it’s been for government folks ? Wow . Sorry to hear it’s definitely not good
Is that what it’s been for government folks ? Wow . Sorry to hear it’s definitely not good
I'm wishing you folks the best. The Dems should give in and approve the wall. This is a mess for sure.....
That sucks and is totally unacceptable, neither party should be able to hijack the government. Legislation needs to be passed that stops playing political chicken at the expense of federal workers and the American public.
That sucks and is totally unacceptable, neither party should be able to hijack the government. Legislation needs to be passed that stops playing political chicken at the expense of federal workers and the American public.

Senator Portman has introduced legislation to stop the no-pay furloughs for fed workers in the event of future shutdowns but I'm not sure of the details.
Senator Portman has introduced legislation to stop the no-pay furloughs for fed workers in the event of future shutdowns but I'm not sure of the details.

The idea seems like an easy piece of bipartisan legislation.
What I don't understand is why he didn't try to pass this while Republicans controlled the House. Why wait until now, other than to set up for a fight and create a distraction. If there's an explanation I'm missing, I would be open to learning. I try to understand US politics, but some stuff just seems illogical.

Meanwhile in Canada we're working on our privacy hedge along the border to protect us until the nonsense to the south is over with.
What I don't understand is why he didn't try to pass this while Republicans controlled the House. Why wait until now, other than to set up for a fight and create a distraction. If there's an explanation I'm missing, I would be open to learning. I try to understand US politics, but some stuff just seems illogical.

Meanwhile in Canada we're working on our privacy hedge along the border to protect us until the nonsense to the south is over with.

There was already bi-partisan legislation put forth when the republicans still controlled both houses but trump refused to sign it.
There was already bi-partisan legislation put forth when the republicans still controlled both houses but trump refused to sign it.

I believe he didn't sign it because of a bunch of riders that came in the bill, if my memory is correct.(my memory is NOT correct) But, where is the money that Bush and Obama both got to build a fence that never happened....? Why are the Democrats so up in arms and against something they wanted a couple of years ago?
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I believe he didn't sign it because of a bunch of riders that came in the bill, if my memory is correct. But, where is the money that Bush and Obama both got to build a fence that never happened....? Why are the Democrats so up in arms and against something they wanted a couple of years ago?

I would rather spend the weekend shooting my bow, but if you want to do a dive.... https://www.gao.gov/assets/690/682838.pdf
So glad I retired from federal gov't work last summer, my ultimate "take this job and shove it" moment. What a clusterf**k. Donald has never had or wanted a fully staffed gov't. This looks like his way to drive out more experienced, higher paid employees and replace them w cheaper, less qualified help that he can more easily manipulate. Another example of hamhanded business management style that damages the gov't and the nation. Condolences to the dedicated public employees who are stuck w this atrocity.

Curvebow, why should Democrats yield to the Asshat-in-Chief holding the gov't hostage, when more than half the population opposes the wall? His campaign promise came out of the same mouth as all his other lies, obligating the USA to nothing. Our border w Canada admits many times more criminals and terrorists than the one down south, no outrage there.
So glad I retired from federal gov't work last summer, my ultimate "take this job and shove it" moment. What a clusterf**k. Donald has never had or wanted a fully staffed gov't. This looks like his way to drive out more experienced, higher paid employees and replace them w cheaper, less qualified help that he can more easily manipulate. Another example of hamhanded business management style that damages the gov't and the nation. Condolences to the dedicated public employees who are stuck w this atrocity.

Curvebow, why should Democrats yield to the Asshat-in-Chief holding the gov't hostage, when more than half the population opposes the wall? His campaign promise came out of the same mouth as all his other lies, obligating the USA to nothing. Our border w Canada admits many times more criminals and terrorists than the one down south, no outrage there.

I think you're bang-on. I see the same thing happening at a provincial scale here in Ontario with our recently elected government. Defunding fish and wildlife programs, conservation stewardship etc. Meanwhile cancelling a $2 price increase to hunting licenses, and the majority of my hunting and fishing acquaintances support the guy, because all they see is the token gesture.

Also, South Park's representation of Canada could not be more accurate. Check out a show called Letterkenny, its on Hulu.

My favorite Canadian! Pretty much sums up how I react when reading some of the crap both sides of the political spectrum try to do....
So glad I retired from federal gov't work last summer, my ultimate "take this job and shove it" moment. What a clusterf**k. Donald has never had or wanted a fully staffed gov't. This looks like his way to drive out more experienced, higher paid employees and replace them w cheaper, less qualified help that he can more easily manipulate. Another example of hamhanded business management style that damages the gov't and the nation. Condolences to the dedicated public employees who are stuck w this atrocity.

Curvebow, why should Democrats yield to the Asshat-in-Chief holding the gov't hostage, when more than half the population opposes the wall? His campaign promise came out of the same mouth as all his other lies, obligating the USA to nothing. Our border w Canada admits many times more criminals and terrorists than the one down south, no outrage there.

Although I am not a fan of the President, this WAS and IS the cornerstone of what got him ELECTED. I was forced to vote for him given the choice, if you want to call Shillary a choice, and the need to secure a reasonable Supreme Court. The SC is much more important than any single President. I got what I wanted and, overall, the country has undeniably prospered. Border security is something that all of those sh#$bags in DC have been dancing around for decades. I am for a liberal immigration policy BUT those entering need to be screened appropriately and we need to impede the flow of humans trafficked and drugs to the extent possible. A secured border is a good step. As for the northern vs southern border ..... did you actually say that with a straight face? Illegal immigration from the north is so rare it is hard to even find numbers reflecting it. Canada has hugely liberal policies for immigrants compared to the US....if they get to Canada they don't want to leave. To attempt to minimize and deflect the seriousness of the issues facing the southern border is disingenuous.

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