23 More Days Tell Bowseason!!!!!


New member
Jan 2, 2004
gods country, wy
anyone else counting the days i drew my favorite spot for elk and can hunt deer at the same time.
I'm stoked i have 9 stands placed every thing is set all i need to do is the camo get it all no scented up and stand up the decoys.
bow is sighted in truck is gassed up and the broad heads are on.
hope that the bulls start screaming early in the season so i can go deer hunting by chugwater wy at a freands ranch too this is my year i'm going for big bull and maybe make it to a ranch with monster bucks.
yipee yawho i can't wait!!!! :p
I leave in 31 days, I’m getting excited, and nervous. My bow is in the shop getting a new string, and a complete check up. ( string broke this weekend ) Glad it didn’t happen during the hunt.
Also counting down

I can't wait either, 31 days then 2 full weeks off to go elk hunting. Paper tuned my bow the other night and been shooting every night. Scouted the area the week of July 18 and had 3 bulls bugling at once. Seems a little early, but not complaining. hump hump hump
Yeah, 280, I thought it was pretty crazy myself. There was two of us there so we weren't hearing things. Seen about 50-60 elk, not in one heard, and 5 bulls. Can't wait for bow season. 30 days :)
Leave on my 2 week elk hunt in 30 days.. Went last weekend and did some scouting.. My ponds are full of water and we did see some DANDY bulls. Wish I had my camera with me. Left it sitting on the chair at the house.. :BLEEP:
but non the less is got the blood pumping and I am sooooooo ready to put the wack-n-smack on one of those bulls. :D

Good luck everyone, Be safe, shoot straight and have fun!!!!

BigBux is nuts i was with him only saw a little old cow (heffer). :D

Not really if I hadnt been there wouldnt have believed they bugled either but as sure as I'm sitting hear we heard them bugle and didnt have a drop of beer till about 2 hours after that.