2017 CO Archery Elk Partner Needed


New member
Dec 5, 2016
Hi guys,

First post here I figured I would introduce myself first. I grew up hunting whitetails in Illinois before moving to Denver 2 years ago. 3 weeks ago ish I decided I wanted to elk hunt the 2017 season. So I am digging in at full speed to try to research everything I can about elk hunting. I also will have to buy some gear as well. I figured a year is enough time if I get to it.

Anyways I want to try to find somebody to go with. Ideal person would be somebody on my side of the Rockies that lives in CO. It would be great if you were super motivated to do the best you can before and during the hunt. Also would be ideal if you had 0-3 years experience. Somebody who is still kind of "figuring it out". Would be nice to kind of do that together.

Obviously I would be glad to go with somebody that does not check those.

I am not looking to mooch off of anybody. I just need a good partner.

Thanks guys for letting me in.
Stop in to one of the BHA Happy Hours (they should be starting up again now that the seasons are ending). Lots of great, motivated hunters and a surprising number of people new to hunting the mountains. I've met several folks I ended up joining up with this past season.
I moved to Denver about 9 months ago from Virginia where I chased whitetails and turkey all over the Appalachians. I decided to make the trek to Colorado for the resident hunting licenses since it's always been a dream to chase elk and mule deer. I'm going to be doing OTC Archery this fall and definitely meet the "still figuring it out" category haha. Wouldn't be opposed to discussing going together. I have one other guy interested as well, but no commitments yet.
Hey guys I am also interested in finding a reliable hunting partner. Seems to be as difficult as finding a a good women around here. I grew up hunting VT whitetail and last year was my first OTC archery elk experience . Had a blast got close but not successful. Can't wait for this season yo start. I'm 28 and am very active, I recently just got 4 horses this year for trail riding and hunting. I live 2 hours south of denver on a ranch but don't mind driven if anyone wants to meet up for a hike or shoot the bow. Thanks
I currently live in Illinois and will be traveling to CO to archery hunt elk if I can find a good hunting partner. I fall right into that 0-3 years experience window, having primarily hunted elk with rifle thus far. Am 34 years old, in decent shape and have been really enjoying shooting/practicing with my bow. If you're still looking for a partner, let me know and lets talk.
I'm new to Colorado (Colorado Springs), been here about 14 months, have plenty of hunting experience, just no elk hunting experience. I am going to try my hand at archery elk hunting, OTC this upcoming season. I'm looking for someone in this general area of Colorado that wouldn't mind helping a total elk newbie out. Perhaps team up on a hunt, scout with me, etc. I'm not looking for anyone's secret spot or honey hole, I just need a 'tutor'. Any places shared with me, will stay with me. I have no issues putting boots on the ground, doing research, driving to scout. I'm in good shape and will not be slowing anyone down.

Here is what I have to offer...I have property in Nebraska that holds, deer, turkey, pheasant....I'd be willing to share this with whoever shares with me. Not looking to bribe anyone, I'm looking to be fair.
Thanks for reading....
How goes it gents. In the same boat as y'all. From Nebraska. Moved to Colorado 7 years ago. I've got one hunting buddy but always looking for more. Doing bow on elk and deer this fall. Also get into turkey hunting as well. Still trying to figure everything out on the hunt. Also do a ton of fishing, mostly fly fishing. Live in South Denver. Married w a kid. Interested in finding some people who are doing bow elk. Can meet up for a beer or do some fishing before hand.
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I currently live in Illinois and will be traveling to CO to archery hunt elk if I can find a good hunting partner. I fall right into that 0-3 years experience window, having primarily hunted elk with rifle thus far. Am 34 years old, in decent shape and have been really enjoying shooting/practicing with my bow. If you're still looking for a partner, let me know and lets talk.

@nialltom PM sent
Looks like I am in the right spot. Coming up from Texas to backpack in for a 5 day bow elk hunt. I have been doing commercial roofing for a decade and am 33, so I am in decent shape. Also for the sake of practicing suffering I have been doing hills with 50LB pack (it is 100 degrees here).

Very new to hunting 3 years archery whitetail and during the early spring I hunt rabbits. This will be very first elk hunt. I saved for 2 years and bought the best gear I could afford and will he a non-resident otc tag.

Doing as much research from TX as possible. Planned on solo hunt but I like the idea of sharing the potential misery of a pack out with others, even if I didn't shot the forest horse.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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