Caribou Gear

2015 Wyoming moose


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
I don't have all the pictures yet as my brother took most of them on his camera, but thought I would start with what I have on my camera.

I decided earlier this year that chasing the top moose units in Wyoming on a random draw was becoming a drag. I had more than enough points to draw a tag in many areas across the State and figured that preference points are only good for burning.

This summer has been really busy for me at work and I didn't get a ton of time to scout, but did manage to get over to my area the 5 days before the season started. It was really warm, but I did manage to locate a few bulls, a lot of elk (general area), and fair numbers of deer (also general for WY residents).

I learned a fair bit about moose on this hunt, mainly that there is a big difference in hunting them in October than September. When my Dad drew the same tag in 2012, nearly all the moose we found were in the willow bottoms when we hunted in early October. My hunt was the opposite, no moose in the bottoms, they were all mid-slope and higher feeding on bitterbrush and aspen.

The weather took a turn on opening day and we started getting some rain. The cooler weather was good, but visibility at times was pretty trying. The weather stayed pretty much the same the next 3 days, turning slightly colder with some snow at the higher elevations. The first 2 days we saw several bulls all of the small-medium size which is a good thing for the population as well as upcoming moose hunters.

On the third morning, we returned to an area that I hadn't seen a moose in but had looked over a few times. It just felt right and looked like an area that was similar to where we had been seeing them in other drainages. About 20 minutes after it was light enough to see, I saw a good bull walking across an open grassy ridge about 2/3 of the way up a long ridge. I had just enough time to get the spotting scope on him and determine he was a good bull, before he disappeared into the timber. There were several finger ridges and draws that ran north/south so I decided to edge up the northern most ridge and glass back across the draws to the south hoping I could find him again. I made sure the wind was right and off we went. About 40 minutes later, Matt looked straight up the ridge we were going up and said, "theres a moose". Sure enough, the bull was standing in a small opening between a patch of aspen trees on one side and limber pines on the other. I took a good look through my binoculars and determined it was the same bull. I decided it was good enough for me.

The bull was over 600 yards away, so Matt and I sprinted a couple hundred yards, out of the bulls sight to a rocky knob. I ranged him at 427 yards and by this time he was getting very close to the edge of the limber/doug-fir stand where he would likely disappear for the day...or rest of the hunting season. I chambered a round and was waiting for him to turn completely broadside. He just kept edging along, quartering away getting closer and closer to the timber. I finally decided that I had a good enough rest, and enough of a quartering away angle to get it done. I placed the leupold dot on the back of his rib cage and slowly squeezed the trigger. I heard the bullet smack him and watched as he walked just over the top. I could still see the upper 1/2 of him behind the ridge, so chambered another round and shot him again behind the shoulder. He collapsed at the shot, and my Wyoming moose hunt was over.

Even though I didn't draw the best tag in the State, it was great getting to share this hunt with my Brother, Dad, and Nephew...more important than chasing the top couple trophy units.

For the area, I think this bull is about as good as I could have expected. Very happy with the bull, the hunt, and the opportunity.

A few pics (will post a few more later).

Looking south from where my moose was laying:




Dad (who was smart enough to wait at the truck while Matt and I wrestled the moose down the mountain) with the cape/antlers. At least we hunted up hill and packed down hill:)

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Looks like you had an awesome trip. Congrats.
Awesome bull! I've been waiting to hear how this one went.

I love how easy you always make it sound.
Great bull, Buzz!!! Congrats. Hunting is way better than looking at a pile of preference points, and you sure made the most of the opportunity.
Congrats on the bull ! I should probably do as you did and stop applying for only the best trophy areas and be satisfied with one of the other areas. I have enough points to draw roughly 80% of the areas in Wyoming and would definitely be satisfied with a bull like yours.I am looking forward more pictures. Thanks for sharing.
Season after season, quality animals consistently. Way to get it done Buzz.

...your Dad never ages. Good times, thanks for sharing.
That's a nice bull! Congrats! Glad you're seeing some younger bulls as well. Hope the moose population is on the rebound...
I'm glad you got to share the adventure with family. Fantastic bull and since he wasn't in the rut and all stinky, he should be exceptional table fare.
Hunt up, pack down.

A Rule secondary only to the ones postulated by Vizzini of "The Princess Bride" :

“Never get involved in a land war in Asia”—but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line”!

Congratulations Buzz and company.
Always anticipate your hunting threads, they never disappoint.

Congrats Buzz. Thats a great moose shared with family. Not much is better than that. I'm beginning to think since you collect such nice animals year after year it's not just dumb luck.

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