2008 MT whitetail


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
Figured I'd post a short story and a few pics of the deer I took in MT this year.

It was pretty tough hunting this year, saw a good number of deer, but had to hunt my area much differently than in the past.

With near record temperatures and no snow, I found deer activity about zero in any kind of open country. Even real early and real late, deer were just not moving.

It didnt take long to find where the deer were, but it was a tough place to hunt. I hunted a very long heavily timbered ridge, and found deer activity better on the ridge in the morning than evening. Also the prevailing winds made it easier and smarter to hunt in the morning as well.

The tricky part was trying to be quiet in the heavy timber/brush and as visibility was about 70-100 yards at most...getting the drop on these deer still-hunting was pretty tough. I found a good number of bucks bedded, and could have shot a good number of them.

Finally, I found a place with lots of activity and heard some brush breaking below me. I slowly worked into the area and saw a doe running right toward me. She blazed past me and right behind her was a buck. It ran out and stopped behind a tree at about 60 yards. He walked out and I got a bit better look, and decided he was good enough. I shot off-hand at about 50 yards and hit him well, he ran about 40 yards and I heard him fall.

Pretty buck and was in excellent shape...very fat and good eating deer as well.


Another look:

well Buzz, being from illinois, have seen a few big critters. and yours is impressive. especially the G-2's.

Thanks, but really the pictures make it look a lot better than it is. I agree the G-2's are good though.

Still a good buck and more importantly a good hunt on public land in a place I've hunted since I was 12 years old.
Very nice deer buzz.Looks like you put a hurting on the whitrtails for a western guy.Congrats.
Very nice buck Buzz.

Just something not right about a pic of a mid-November whitetail in western MT, with no snow in the pic. Makes for some damn tough hunting conditions. Glad you got a good one.

He looks realy wide. Very nice pictures too! Congratulations!

It looks warmer than down here, when was that? You just posted it, I imagined lots of snow up there now? Am I imagining wrong?