Caribou Gear

2007 deer


New member
Aug 15, 2007
Pocatello, Idaho
My son, age 4 1/2, has been on hunts each of the last three years. The first time, he rode in the truck with me, while mom hunted; the second year we hiked in and he watch through a spotting scope. This year, he actually walked, looked, spotted and even stalked. He watched the whole show through the spotting scope and even "found" the downed animal when it eluded dad.

After spotting the deer at several hundred yards and setting James up to look at him through the scope, a distant ATV sent him down to the brush below his rimrock bed. It took half an hour to locate him hiding in the stunted and twisted quakies and willows growing below. We set up the scope for James, got a rock for dad and BANG.



He even tried to help "carry" him up the hill. A very valuable lesson was learned at such a young age, because on the way home I pointed to a much deeper canyon than the one from which we had to retrieve our deer. James said, "I don't want to carry one there". Wisdom at such a tender age!|oo |oo |oo |oo |oo

I tried to add pictures to the story. Can't do it...hence all the little icons. HELP, anybody who knows how. I got them on that first web page....I don't know how to get them here.
Bless your pea-pickin' heart! How'd you do that? I've been a member here for a couple of years and do OK getting deer, I just don't know how to show pictures.
Hey I guess I don't need to post them for ya! Your probably loving the weather today. Hope you get a chance to catch another buck.

Congrats again on the buck.
Very cool! My son just turned 5 and also have taken him with me the last three years....I have an idea how you feel. ;) Great pics....thanks for sharin' and congrats on the buck.

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