PEAX Equipment

2005 whitetail season (pics)


Dec 11, 2000
this is was by far the very best year bowhunting whitetails that i have ever had. I hunted 3 states was fortunate enough to fill 3 tags with very nice whitetails all with the very same arrow shaft !!! :) Aug. 2nd i had the second back surgery in 3 years and was facing another season without being able to hunt, I started an intense rehad program and got back in the game.

hunt no.1
the first hunt was in wisconsin, my buddies were in camp by halloween and my hunt began Nov.3. the report i got from my buddies when i arrived was incredible to say the least bucks chasing everywhere and not just the little ones either! by the time i got there 3 deer had already been killed a very nice typical 5x5, a whopper mainframe 6x6 with a split g2 and a small kicker off the main beam and a wide 5x5 with a forked eyegaurd and small forked g2's all very nice deer. The night i showed up a stought 4x4 was taken by a local friend of ours, needless to say i was stoked and ready to go!
the first morning i on stand i passed 2 16" 4x4's hopeing for something a little bigger, the next two days i saw deer just nothing i wanted to shoot. approaching day 4 of a 5 day hunt i was hopeing my luck would change and sure enough that evening i got to my stand around 1:30, the old shaky wooden ladder with a couple fresh nails was to be my perch for the afternoon. Being a rather warm day i was comfortable without the bulky clothing on and all seemed to be a nice afternoon when i heard something down in the ditch that my stand was located near. I slowly turned and looked
to see nothing, when i hear a huge crash out in front of me, to my amazement here comes 2 big does with a nice looking buck in tow.They ran around in front of me working there way up to a real rocky brusky knob when at that timne i lost sight of the does but could still see the buck standing facing his girls when from around the backside of the knob comes one of the does, she runs right back out in front of me and like i had hoped, the buck wheeled around and came straight off that knob on a string right to me, as his head dropped down to cross the ditch i cam to full draw, the buck popped out of the ditch and stopped quartering to me at 8yrds. My arrow hit right behind and slightly above the shoulder slicing his heart, he bounded out about 25-30 yrds and laid down within sight! hump :) the buck isnt a monster but a respectable 2.5yr old 4x4......that day he was the biggest stud in the woods and i am very happy i was able to fill my tag with him.

all the pictures are in the public gallery the ugly dude with the hunttalk hat on!

hunt no.2 & no.3 stories and pics to follow !
Were these the Pictures you sent somebody and Asked them to upload ? Dam that Slacker.....

Kudos on the Bucks !!!! those are some nice ones for sure !
I couldn't tell by hats, so I just went with the ugliest guy. :D Nice buck. Looking forward to seeing the others.

hunt no.2 was in Tennesse
i own a small farm or a mere 30 ac. that is adjacent to my brother-in-laws land, all totaled there's close to 300 ac. i have one stand on my property and have killed 2 this being the 3rd deer from the stand in the 15+ years that i have owned it. I have sat in this stand and not seen anything more times than i can tell you about so i dont hunt the place hard at all, very passivly at best. With minimal confidence that i would see anything i went ahead and decided what the heck its better than not going at all. this was the opening weekend of gun season in tennessee and my bro-in-law and his buds were going to be hunting as well so i didnt have many other options on where i could go, anyway i worked out pretty good for me. I got to my stand, which is located on the upper edge of a cedar thicket amoungst some oaks just below a ridge line when i see a flag hmmmmmm.... deer confidence is pickin up, as im approaching the last 15 feet on cedar just below the stand is a huge rub i mean flat torn-up on a tree about 8in in dia. and about 4.5-5' tall ...sweeet !!!!! i get in my stand and 10- yrds away is a fresh big scrape. Now im pumped and ready for some action couple hours go by nothing and then i heard a twig snap and slinking his way through the thicket was a nice buck alot better than what i was expecting to see. he meandered his way around which seemed like an hour just long enough to get my heart all cranked-up and my knees shakin finally he made his way to his scrape and i calmed down enough to put an arrow through both lungs at 10 yrds....he went about 50yrds to the bottom of the hill and crashed in the creek bed :) then i started shakin again....which was weird but i was second deer in 2 weeks

after once again cleaning the blood off the arrow and replacing the broadhead i heade to kentucky for hunt no.3

i was fortunate enough to have some good friends that own quite a few ac. in kentucky invite me to come hunt with them over the holiday and since i was in tennessee i was happy to have been able to go! The property is gorgeous farm country in western kentucky just south of Ill. anyway i brought along a climbing stand for mobility.I was given access to a specific farm and was given my boundaries and started to scout for a stand location as im walking along a field edge i see a doe pop out in front of me about 50 yrds and she didnt even hesitate and started accross the field when right behind her with the same disregard comes a huge buck..startled by whats happening i sat and watched them disappear accross the field and thought...that seems like a good place to start...i found the trail the deer came out on and went into the woods skirting the trail and found and good intersection on a bench just below the field and proceded to climb-up a tree i had picked out. the woods seem to quiet down for awhile until right before dark i catch some movement and what was seeing was antlers twisting around in a briar bush when he materialized less than forty yrds away thrashing his way through the brush he it a small opening where i could get a clean shot...i began to draw the bow as he was walking and as he hit the opening i attempted to grunt but more like squeeled but it worked, he stopped and gave me a 22 yrd quartering away shot. the arrow didnt pass through and when he lunged foreward he snapped my lucky shaft in three pieces anyway it was well worth it!!

cool thing was that both bucks have damn near identical g2's which i took photos of pretty cool feature for being shot 200 miles apart.

some pics are in the public gallery "05tn&ky" title ....field photo's will need to be scanned so those will come later . enjoy!
Congrats! That's one heck of a fall!! I need some friends like those. ;)

PS- Glad to see you posting
thanks guys....i would like to say it was my awesome hunting abilities but that would be a bold face lie....i got very very very lucky this year

good luck to all

JB, the last deer trashed the arrow but i do still have the pieces :) how's the hunting in bama been ?????? good luck during the rut !!!

I havent been too much. Still doing storm repairs and getting a new building beaten into shape.
I'm hoping I can slip off the last week of January to watch all the chasing!

If I'm REALLY lucky my season could end 1/3 as good as yours!
I enjoyed the pics :D

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