NEW SITKA Ambient 75

2 birds with one...stone?


Dec 28, 2013
I should start by saying I've always been really unlucky turkey hunting. Some of that luck was probably self-made, but I just felt like I could never catch a break. My first couple days were frustrating, as I ended up walking up on some birds on the roost, had other hunters shoot the birds I was working, and finally call in 3 nice toms at daybreak to 10 yards, which never saw my decoy and stayed on my off-side only to walk away unharmed. Seems like there's always something, but isn't that hunting!

I finally managed to connect this week. Set up my decoys in an area the birds were using pretty frequently. Had a jake and a hen come in, only to see the decoys and turn right around. I had pretty much had it at that point so I went for broke. Got up and stalked through the woods as best I could. Snuck up over a knoll to a group of birds. Quickly settled my sight on one and let it go. Next thing I know there are 2 birds down, pretty neat. Both jakes - would've liked a tom, but I'm not complaining with finally being able to break the curse! My daughter was pretty excited about it as well. She had to get in the action with 'her bird' as well!

Anybody else ever knock a couple birds with one shell?

Great job. Mr. Efficiancy makes his mark. Tell your daughter congrats on "her" bird. I think it is the prettiest of the three.
Congrats on the double! Lots of smiles in your pics...that's always great to see! That's great your daughter was there to witness it. I'd be curious what state you harvested the birds? From the colors they look like rios? I've gotten 2 double so far....wasn't trying for either. This year I actually waited for 2 medium sized toms to separate a bit but somehow both went down with 1 shot. I was actually bumbed because my hunt was over so quick. I actually harvested a 3rd tom earlier and was bummed I had filled all my tags in 1 day. I can't say the same has been true in Colo. In fact, a couple days ago I hiked 12 miles and didn't get a tom. I had 1 close encounter with a gorgeous merriam tom, could have shot a jake, and spent several hours within spitting distance of a number of hens. Doubles are always pretty crazy and congrats to you....and your daughter on your success!
I've not gotten a double like that. Well done. Mucho congrats on having your daughter along. The pick with her "turkey" is awesome!
Congrats on doubling down, I've tried that and only got one twice! Look at your picture closely and I know you'll correct the safety issue.
I have done it twice.Once in spring & once in fall.
Lots of birds in CA at the time.
Congratulations. One year I had two toms strutting in such unison that I dared not shoot, while Kansas allowed two spring turkeys, that year the zone I was in only allowed one. About the most exciting and frustrating 5 minutes in the turkey woods........never could shoot for fear of getting two.

I have doubled on fall birds a couple of times......once on purpose, once by happy accident. Happy in that I had enough tags for the birds. Unhappy in that I actually had three birds down with two shots and the walk back to the car with three birds required me to use my belt as an improvised strap to organize 50 pounds of feather and yumminess.
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Congrats on the double. I've had that opportunity this year as I had two birds walk in opening morning, but unfortunately in NY they only allow you one per day. Hard to hold off when the other one stands there after the shot!
Thanks guys, always nice to share my time outside my daughter. Luckily, she seems to really enjoy it!

jims - these birds are from Maine, so they're easterns. They do have some of the lightest tips I've seen around here, though. I think it's pretty cool. But nothing like those merriams out west!
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