16 yr old hunters wheel chair van wrecked


Aug 24, 2009
Virgo Supercluster
Story in todays Bozeman Daily Chronicle-

16 year old Randal Googe has Duchenne muscular dystrophy. His single dad's accessible van was stolen and wrecked by 2 meth heads and he is now stranded. His GoFundMe page shows him and his dad and dog elk hunting, etc. He needs a new van badly. I gave some $ this morning and encourage any of you that can help to do so.


Thank You.
Thanks for sharing, hope justice comes down hard on the people who wrecked his previous van.
Looks like these two are out getting it done and not sitting back feeling sorry for themselves. I gladly chipped in a small bit from my hunting budget.
Horrible disease! Emotional thread. I lost two nephews in the 70's, Sweets boys as you would every see, To be honest, one of them had ornery streak that made him more adorable. Lived about 18 years and had a good life. The one donation I give yearly. The help and support given to my nephews was outstanding!

I gave some and hope it helps.
Events like this can make you feel like mankind is headed for the dumpster thanks to the thieves or that there's still a lot of good in the world when you look at those who've donated. Thanks for sharing this Hunts, it looks like there's still hope left after all.
Great to see the support for this family! I knew that the hunting community would come out and support them. Hopefully many adventures ahead.

Peace to you all.
Thanks for posting this. Chipped in a bit to help. Glad to see them past their goal!
I was going to post this too. Randy has been my son's best friend since kindergarten and they've both toughed it out as his disease has progressed. Randy's wheelchair is so big now he can't get around in anything else but this van. Without his van he can't even make it to high school right now. Kids can be mean. I remember one time Sam was upset because some kid at school hit Randy on the head with a stapler. This just piles onto all his other experiences with people. It just makes me sad.

I got a note from his dad that they've already exceeded his goal of $10,000, but he could really use a 4wd van to get around more reliably. Honestly, perhaps more important than that goal, kicking in $10 will show him the world has a lot of caring people in it in spite of all appearances to the contrary.

Tell him Sam's dad sent ya ;)

yeah that tugs at the old heart strings.. another HT guy sending some his way.. hope he gets to make it out hunting yet this year
Can't believe this kind of stuff is happening in Bozeman. Born and raised there and I am ashamed that it has begun heading in this direction. Thank you for sharing and giving me the opportunity to donate. Seeing all of the donations is heart warming.
I was going to post this too. Randy has been my son's best friend since kindergarten and they've both toughed it out as his disease has progressed. Randy's wheelchair is so big now he can't get around in anything else but this van. Without his van he can't even make it to high school right now. Kids can be mean. I remember one time Sam was upset because some kid at school hit Randy on the head with a stapler. This just piles onto all his other experiences with people. It just makes me sad.

I got a note from his dad that they've already exceeded his goal of $10,000, but he could really use a 4wd van to get around more reliably. Honestly, perhaps more important than that goal, kicking in $10 will show him the world has a lot of caring people in it in spite of all appearances to the contrary.

Tell him Sam's dad sent ya ;)

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Kudos to you and your son. These guys deserve a break and we are proving today that folks will step up and help make a difference. Nice work everyone.
I'm a little confused as to why they need a gofundme if they had insurance. The article mentions zero about insurance and if they did not have insurance why would they be driving it at all? Even basic glass and theft should cover a new vehicle?
Not an insurance expert, but I believe insurance would only cover the cost of the value of the stolen property. So, if the van is worth $6k, that may be all they get (not saying that is the worth, just an example). And who knows, maybe they only had liability insurance which probably doesn't cover theft. Anyway, thanks for posting. I contributed some to help.
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Not an insurance expert, but I believe insurance would only cover the cost of the value of the stolen property. So, if the van is worth $6k, that may be all they get (not saying that is the worth, just an example). And who knows, maybe they only had liability insurance which probably doesn't cover theft. Anyway, thanks for posting. I contributed some to help.

Very possible...I'm no expert either and that was why I was curious. I thought theft was covered even in basic, but I do get they don't always cover the full cost of another vehicle these days.
Not an insurance expert, but I believe insurance would only cover the cost of the value of the stolen property. So, if the van is worth $6k, that may be all they get (not saying that is the worth, just an example). And who knows, maybe they only had liability insurance which probably doesn't cover theft. Anyway, thanks for posting. I contributed some to help.

Grew up the kid of an "insurance expert". States only require vehicle insurance to cover liability for damage your vehicle does to others, not coverage for damage or loss of the vehicle itself. As it is not required, many many folks do not have coverage for loss of their vehicle. I have no idea of the facts in this circumstance, but I assumed if times were lean for this family, they did not pay extra to cover the vehicle itself. And as Jappenz points out, even if they carried insurance on loss it would only cover present value, not replacement value - which can be a big difference in older vehicles and specialty vehicles.

Either way, this looks like a family that could use a lift, so if my gift is a vehicle windfall for them, so be it.
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