Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

14 year old's goat


New member
Oct 23, 2009
Eagle, ID
My son took his goat over this past weekend in Idaho's unit 27-2. We glassed the goat for an hour or so at 500 yards with our spotter and determined it was a good Billy. We waited until he bedded.

I then had a long conversation with him about the hair not being great this time of year and that we have time to come back later, but I told him I'm leaving the choices of this hunt up to him so it is his call. He thought long and hard and said he'd like to get a better look, so we did about a 1-1/2 mile loop around and up the scree fields. This took about an hour and a half and when we crested the ridge, he was 140 yards below and still bedded in the shade. I set up the spotter and had my son spend some time looking over him. We quietly discussed the estimated size and age as well as hair of the Billy. I estimated him at 8-9" and maybe 6-7 years old. He just had a face that didn't scream old, but had good horn length but a bit shy on the bases.

I asked him what he thought. "I like him a lot Dad, he is in a great location where we can retrieve him and we made a sweet stalk" "he is within my shooting range and I have a comfortable rest" I mentioned there may be better ones out there and asked if he would be happy to hang him on his wall for the next 70 years. He mentioned he didn't care about a record book goat and he had made up his mind to take this one.

He has been around hunting since he could walk and has killed a couple deer himself as well as small game and countless upland birds. He has a level head and understands many things about being a good, true hunter than a lot of adults I have guided in the past.

We discussed the problems with shooting a bedded animal, also when the shot was this steep and he decided to wait until the goat stood up for a clean shot. In total we waited about 45 minutes. The sun crept up on the goat's shade tree and so he stood up to stretch. I was watching the goat through the spotter, so saw the goat hit hard when the shot rang out. The goat kind of stood there wobbling, so I told him to shoot again. Too much excitement and adrenaline for a quality shot and he missed, but the goat wasn't going anywhere. The goat laid down not 10 feet from where he was hit.

Turned out to be 9-1/4" Billy. I'm taking him to the fish and game this week for check in and will have his age. Great hunt with my son, a bit sad it is over already. I felt proud of him for the way he worked things out in his mind and made his own choices. He will be hunting too soon without his Dad, and hopefully this was another good step in his education. I'm not the best on posting pictures if there is a better way feel free to let me know.


Very mature comments from your son. Congrats and well done on multiple levels.
I see quite a few kids I'm jealous of here on Hunt Talk, your son is one of them. I'm sure if I had the tag and was in your sons situation, I'd have been shooting too. Congrats on a great hunt and the quality time with your son.
Congrats to you and your son, sounds like you have taught him well. Very nice Goat!
Very nice goat. Congrats to your son. He's pretty young to have scratched a OIL off the list.
Congrats to your boy...and you. I can imagine how proud of a father you are. I can't wait until my kids are able to carry a weapon in the hills with the potential of filling a tag.
Thank you everyone, it is nice sharing my feelings with like minded people.

I let him go to the goat first before I came down, then followed up a bit after. Hard to express the look and feel of everything that these kind of experiences bring to someone. I asked him if he was bigger or smaller than he expected. He said bigger for sure. He was very happy and proud but also had the melancholy feeling after the kill.
Very nice. Sounds like he's pretty level headed and thinks things through. He'll go far with that going for him. Thinking about the retrieval as well as how the stalk was "sweet" makes it that much nicer. You brought up a good one. Congrats to you both.
He is a lucky young man, congrats! Glad to see you bringing up another hunt talker.
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