PEAX Equipment

10 year anniversary: where to go


Active member
Jul 21, 2017
Baxter, MN
going to be celebrating our 10 year this July; Looking for some ideas on where to go out west as we both have been wanting to go out there. Yellowstone sounds awesome but also heard there are similar places with less people? any ideas? Still not sure if we'll drive out (about 12 hours to bozeman from our place) or fly out and rent a car as it'll depend on vacation days and such

any thoughts or areas I should look into?
Before the crowds I would have said glacier NP, still an amazing place, but too many people for me. I took my wife on our 10 th tp prince William sound.
Yellowstone does have the people but its a must see place. Plus there is many overnight backpacking hikes you can do and see no people. The last one we did was 18 miles and never saw another person on the trail after a mile or so in.
My wife of close to 50 years, I'm talking to Terry/ Glendive area this summer...
To look at some of the oldest badlands in the U.S.
and maybe even dinner.
My wife of close to 50 years, I'm talking to Terry/ Glendive area this summer...
To look at some of the oldest badlands in the U.S.
and maybe even dinner.
I hope you book a night in the Kempton. I'll never forget the last time I stayed in Terry. I asked the gal at the front desk for a wakeup call. She said sure, and reached under the desk and pulled out a wind up alarm clock and handed it to me. No phone in the room, I soon found out. haha. The shower was literally a stock water trough stood on end, with the end cut off so you could stand up. It was wedged into a closet. Terry is one of my favorite towns, the people there are awesome.

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