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  1. D

    Casual Bobcat After Getting a Boar

    VIDEO Earlier this week, I took a hog at a feeder on the other side of a ravine from my stand. I went over and checked the hog, got pictures, and then headed back to the stand. As I entered the ravine, my head lamp caught the reflection of eyes looking at me from...
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    Recent Predators taken with the Armasight Predator Thermal Scope

    I have been field testing a new budget or entry-level thermal scope for a local vendor. "Budget" means less expensive and "entry" would mean lower level, but these are something of misnomers as this is basically just 3-4 year old level technology that would have cost 2-3 times as much back then...
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    Big PIG 322 lbs

    Video: Took a hunting buddy of mine down to central Texas where I have been doing hog control on a ranch for the last several weeks. This bruiser appeared just before sun down and we had it down by twilight after a round about stalk through the oats field to get a...
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    One Coyote, Maybe Two

    While hunting hogs at TBR in Montague County, north Texas, I decided to do some predator calling. I would call for a few minutes, wait a few, repeat. To my surprise, a pair of coyotes appeared. The first one, a male, quickly disappeared into the high wheat/oats of the food plot. The second...
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    Wounded Boar Charge I have to admit, there may have been some panic shooting there at the end when I started moving off of the proverbial X, but it all turned out well. Every time I watch the video, I get a bit scared all over again. I kind of like it. My wife was not pleased with the...
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    Hog Hunting with the New Pulsar Apex XD50 Thermal Scope

    I got to test this on my 6.5 Grendel AR15 for several nights last week and got 2 chances to hunt with it and have two videos to share as a result. This scope was loaned to me and is a pre-release scope. These will supposedly be out for sale in May. Here is the manual that has a specs page for...
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    Texas Snow Yote

    This was a lot of fun. We got hit with multiple ice and snow storms last week. The latest was a wet snow storm that hit early Friday morning. Schools closed. Businesses closed. Roads were terrible. So it seemed like a good time to drive out to hunt. The normal hour drive took me 2.5 hours...
  8. D

    Recent Thermal Hog Hunt Videos

    These all come from North Texas. I have been helped out a couple of guys with hog problems on their land and also on my land. Will be out more this week trying to get some more... 170 yard boar 115 yard boar 60 yard headshot boar...
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    2nd Shot Bobcat

    Well into the second night in a row of hunting at TBR in north Texas, waiting for one of several boars that were showing up on camera, this little bobcat appeared at the treeline just north of my stand. It was a beautiful evening with great weather, unseasonably warm temps, low humidity, and...
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    Big Tom Bobcat, 28 lbs and 150 Yards

    This was my last and longest hunt of the year. I had arrived early on the property to check cameras and discovered that hogs had been there at 4:00 am and so I made plans to stay for the entire night. Overall, there was a goodly amount of animal activity to keep me entertained, despite the...
  11. D

    Coyote of Opportunity This was a bit of a fortuitous kill. I had been set up for hunting a hog and spent about 8 hours waiting for him. After all the deer activity died down, I decided to check out the other areas of the property, see if the hog was maybe hitting one of the other...
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    New Predator Hunter "Called" vids

    Hello! I am new to predator hunting as of earlier this year. I help keep hogs and predators in check on a property in north Texas as part of the landowner's wildlife management plan. Early on, I just shot a couple that I happened to see passing by, but coyotes and (rarely) bobcats usually...

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