Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Search results

  1. W

    Anyone been to Cabo San Lucas?

    My wife booked a cruise for us in September. I was hoping someone in here can let me know what there is to do down there. The boat is actually there for 2 days, so I have time to do some fun stuff. I was considering trying to get a fishing charter, is this something that anyone has done...
  2. W

    I'm Checking Out

    I will be gone for the next 11 days. We are heading out on a cruise to the Caribbean. After musical flights and getting re-routed through Detroit (5 hour layover in Detroit - ugh) we will at least be in Fort Lauderdale before the ship leaves. Can't say the same thing if we were still going...
  3. W

    Any Gustav news?

    ANy of our members down that way get hammered by Gustav? Got word from my parents in Baton Rouge....not good. They had trees, or parts of trees, punch holes in their roof, wipe out their patio roof and yet another flattened their metal shed. They had an electric pole snap near the back...
  4. W

    Add me to the ranks

    Well guys - finally took the plunge. Bought me a new (although discontinued) Reflex Super Slam over the weekend. I figure archery will give me a better chance at a real elk in Utah than rifle, and I will have more time to do it. The bow is bare bones - nothing at all on it right now. This is...
  5. W

    CNG conversions?

    Have any of you guys had a CNG (compressed natural gas) coversion kit installed on your vehicle? WIth the price of gas continuing to go up, and the low cost of CNG here in the Salt Lake area ($.68/gal) I have been considering have a kit installed on my truck to make it a dual fuel system. I...
  6. W

    When did you realize....

    That you were fat? I just had a Dr visit and weighed in at 203. :eek: :BLEEP: I don't have any idea when I became fat. SO I did what I had to....I blamed it on my wife's good cooking. :D We are heading out on a cruise in September so we (wife and I) have decided to lose a few extra pounds...
  7. W

    Elk vs. bison - from another forum

    I saw this video linked on another forum. So was this elk just trying to show off for the ladies or what? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_IBF7Bl0rg
  8. W

    Use Enough Gun

    Is this the right place for this post? I have always heard the phrase "Use enough gun" but I think this takes it to the extreme. I don't condone this, but I can sure see a weapon like this has some uses that it would be appropriate for...mounted in my front window facing down the drive comes...
  9. W

    Part Time Jobs

    Well guys, since I don't have to work a full week in my current full time job (great benefit among others) I was thinking of picking up an extra part time job. I am not talking fast food or retail type, but a real job - just part time. What are some cool part time jobs that will pay well...
  10. W

    Gearing up for 2008

    Well, let's start hearing about it now. Since 2008 officially begins tomorrow what are the plans? I will be going on a General Any Bull hunt in Utah with my 2 brothers and step-dad. Will be the first hunting trip together since I was 14 (21 years ago). Not the best odds in the world og...
  11. W

    A ? only Moosie can answer

    OK. Now that you have entered the diety-like realm of monster elk hunter - joining the likes of Greenhorn in that respect - maybe you can distribute some of your knowledge with those of us aspiring to take your crown of Trophy Spike King. Actually, since you were so good at it, what is your...
  12. W

    USGS Maps

    Does anyone know a good place to buy USGS maps in Utah? I need to pick up a few. Thanks in advance.
  13. W

    New addition to the family

    Lane Alexander Barnes was born at 6:18 AM 09/06/2007. Even thought he was 2 weeks early he was 7 pounds even and 19 1/2 inches long. The siblings are really excited and both mom and baby are doing well. He has figured out this free food thing and is very enthusiastic at mealtime. Enjoy the...
  14. W

    Wow - never thought I would hear this

    The co-founder of greenpeace is starting to encourage greater use of wood and planting of more forests to use that wood. He is against the doomsday climate crowd and their position regarding using our forests. I will put the link here rather than the entire story - you can read it at your...
  15. W

    Getting into hunt area

    Scenario: You know the area you want to hunt but it is some distance off the road - let's say 1 mile. Question: Do you wiat until first light and hunt your way back to the area, or leave before first light and get there 30 minutes to an hour before shooting hours and start hunting the area...
  16. W

    Don't care who you are, that's funny

    For those of you who don't frequent the KSL news site or the Utah Division of Wildlife, this is one funny story. Started over a story about a kid in Eagle Mountain, UT who has a friendly deer in the area that allows the kid to pet and hug it.
  17. W

    Good Court Decision

    The US District Court of Appeals in D.C. handed down a decision this morning striking down the D.C. ban on handguns. hump hump hump hump hump hump hump hump hump hum hump This link is to a thread on a concealed carry website that I frequent. Am I allowed to paste links to outside sites on...
  18. W

    Geaux Tigers!!!

    21-14 at the half Talk about a roller coaster. If the refs didn't suck so bad at the replay that would have been an INT on the 1. Hope the Tigers can pour it on in the 2nd half. Remember one thing - THE QB CAN'T THROW FROM HIS BUTT!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!
  19. W

    10 Happy Years

    Today is the 10th Anniversary of my marriage to my very patient and understanding wife. Thinking back I am proud to say that I would not have things any other way.
  20. W

    Utah 2007 Proclamation

    The 2007 Utah Big Game Proclamation is now available online. Now we just get to try and interpret what it all means. http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/proclamations/2007_biggame/2007_biggame.pdf I plan on putting in for everything and actually drawing nothing.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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