Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Recent content by whyelkhunt

  1. W

    New Mexico unit 34 elk

    good stuff
  2. W

    Project out of control

    Nice, Does anyone care what Red Green thinks about this subject?
  3. W

    Duck identification

    Am I to guess that you guys eat them when you are hungry?
  4. W

    Bear Camp-Idaho Back Country

    Been there and done that on the mule up side down in a ravine, carried a pistol down to shoot the mule and cut one strap. She left and my old friend who owned the mule asked how where we getting the sattle out. So I put it on my back and carried it out. I must have been younger then.
  5. W

    First Successful Bear Hunt

    Thumbs up on the bear and great write up on the story. Are you sure you are only twelve. Good job
  6. W

    A ? about wolves and marketing.

    Two beer comment a coyote is a cunning weazel.
  7. W

    A farmer's gun .................

    nice hobby
  8. W

    Epic Bear Hunt

  9. W


    When you see CWD spreading like the DNR said it would, it makes you pay attention unless you hate the DNR then you brush it off.
  10. W

    northwest iowa turkeys

    They might have finally decided to split up and spread out. You might have helped them do that.
  11. W

    WA native, NY resident.

    A good man gone too soon
  12. W

    CWD status in Wisconsin

  13. W

    Iowa Bow Bird

    Congrats on the bow bird, I see you have a little more grass growth than here in WI