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  1. W

    New Mexico unit 34 elk

    good stuff
  2. W

    Project out of control

    Nice, Does anyone care what Red Green thinks about this subject?
  3. W

    Duck identification

    Am I to guess that you guys eat them when you are hungry?
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    Bear Camp-Idaho Back Country

    Been there and done that on the mule up side down in a ravine, carried a pistol down to shoot the mule and cut one strap. She left and my old friend who owned the mule asked how where we getting the sattle out. So I put it on my back and carried it out. I must have been younger then.
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    First Successful Bear Hunt

    Thumbs up on the bear and great write up on the story. Are you sure you are only twelve. Good job
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    A ? about wolves and marketing.

    Two beer comment a coyote is a cunning weazel.
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    A farmer's gun .................

    nice hobby
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    Epic Bear Hunt

  9. W


    When you see CWD spreading like the DNR said it would, it makes you pay attention unless you hate the DNR then you brush it off.
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    northwest iowa turkeys

    They might have finally decided to split up and spread out. You might have helped them do that.
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    WA native, NY resident.

    A good man gone too soon
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    CWD status in Wisconsin
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    Iowa Bow Bird

    Congrats on the bow bird, I see you have a little more grass growth than here in WI
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    "Feeding the Problem" Presentation in Bozeman

    Wow, The DNR told us how CWD would spread if we did nothing. It hasn't disappointed them, so we shall see if "head in the sand" was a good plan.
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    Mine are still just sitting there

    Can't we all join together to eliminate all evil in this world. sarcastic, cynical and unrealistic implied with that statement.
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    Obama gets his way with the UN Gun Ban Treaty

    This makes it worth staying on this site
  17. W

    Obama gets his way with the UN Gun Ban Treaty

    So who is Alex Jones?
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    Spinal Decompression/Laminotomy

    Second opinion, from a "sawbones" at least a hundred miles from the other Dr. would be a good start.