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AK Director and SFW Board Member Busted

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, looks like the guy SFW got appointed as the Director of AK F&G got caught. Wonder if you AK guys can veryify these facts.

Seems Mr. Rossi and his Utah buddies had a penchant for skirting the bear hunting rules.

I remember when he was appointed and replaced the existing director. Quite a chit storm. The SFW guys went to all the websites bragging that they had worked the system to put "One of their own" in a position of power in Alaska.

A quick Google Search of "Corey Rossi Don Peay" provided many links, with the one below being the first.

The corruption and backroom BS is so blatant. And they always think they won't get caught.

And if you read the far left column of this link, you will see where Don Peay says, "Many of our members are politically positioned to help SFW in the fight. Robert Espinosa, a founder of SFW New Mexico, was recently appointed by Governor Martinez to the New Mexico Game and Fish Commission. Corey Rossi, a founding member of SFW Alaska was appointed Game and Fish Director by Governor Parnell."

Feel free to share this link with the SFW Kool-aid drinkers over on MM. I doubt they will believe anything they read or hear, except the boasting self-egrandizing drivel from Don Peay's column.

What a joke. Attention to any western hunter - Get SFW the hell out of your state. And fast.
And you AK guys just gave 4 of your 11 governors tags to Mr. Peay and his friends at SFW. They will be auctioned off at the Expo in SLC next month. Link provided.

And AK allows the organization to charge the state an unlimited "administrative fee" on top of the 10% selling commission. Will be interested to see how much of those four tag proceeds make it to AK for habitat work and research.
Isn't the internet a glorious thing these days?!

Thanks for posting this kind of stuff on your site Randy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to head over to MM and see if there's a chit storm brewing!
If this week doesnt make people think twice and drop SFW for good...I dont think anything will.
Leadership/people corrupt the doesnt corrupt on its own.

True Buzz, but money hates to wait it's turn...and usually finds a way to cut in line.

I bet by the time this is over, there will be many, many more that agree with you.

I bet by the time this is over, there will be many, many more that agree with you.

I disagree...... You know better then that Buzz.

ATV Verses non ATV
Game farm Verses non Game Farm
Gov. tags Verses non Gov tags

I'm busy so I won't post al the issues but SERIOUSLY ? Who has ever changed their point of view from posts that was on one side already.

All posts do Negative or positive make the stance someone has stronger.

I've been wrong maybe once before..... Maybe ;) Just wow. I don't know whether to laugh or cry...

Should make for an interesting show in SLC. I was just about to post to see who all was going. I was planning to make the trek. But only if Dink and Khunter go.

You're always wrong...and thats the only thing that never changes;):W:

I'll be at the expo in SLC, I wonder if Don wants to meet for lunch?
The bad part of all this is I have knoiwn Don Peay and SFW to be crooks 10 years ago, yet here they are 10 years later pulling this same stuff, ONLY WORSE! Trying to steal 332 Arizona tags in the dark of the night! Freakin unreal. When will these crooks face justice? They seem to be as slithery as the snakes they are.

I for one believe their head cronnie to be a "successful psychopath" based on past information, and topped off with this latest Arizona armed robbery..
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Buzz, I can't spell or type but being wrong ? I'll go toe to toe with ya on that..... :p

Who was on one side of a topic (ATV, Anti Wolf, ETC.) and switched over because they read something you wrote in the last 10 years that you've been posting on Huntalk. Surely in 10 years you should have pages of names that have switched.....

Kick out a dozen names........ how about a half dozen....... ONE ?
Man, I must be losing my touch. Most my MM threads about Sportsmen for Welfare and Big Game For Us, are two baggers (two bags of popcorn). This one seems eerily quiet. Fridays must be slow over at Brian's site.

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