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Trout Unlimited's take on oil...


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2001
Laramie, WY
and natural gas development.

Couldnt agree more...

Trout Unlimited urges slower development
Group says energy development is 'proceeding at a breakneck pace'
By Susan Gallagher
Associated Press — Feb. 17, 2005
HELENA, Mont. — Oil and gas development in the Rocky Mountain West is happening too fast, with scant study of the potential effects on fish, wildlife and human health, a conservation group said recently.

Trout Unlimited, whose stated mission is to protect and restore North American trout and salmon fisheries, released a report by consultants who compiled an inventory of scientific information on the effects of petroleum development.

"The more we dug for information, the more we realized how little there was, especially of the field-research variety, the stuff that really tells you what's going on in the rivers where the fish are affected," said consultant Carol Endicott.

The information compiled stems mostly from laboratory tests; the lab findings raise concerns about oil and gas development, Endicott said.

Interior Secretary Gale Norton, in Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday, said reviews precede the sale of federal petroleum leases and "very frequently we take land out of consideration (because of) wildlife values." When leasing does occur, restrictions sometimes are imposed out of concern for wildlife, she said.

But Chris Wood, a vice president of the conservation group, said energy development is "proceeding at a breakneck pace." In Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Montana, the Bureau of Land Management approved 5,700 new drilling permits during the past year, up 62 percent from the previous year, he said.

The American Petroleum Institute has not studied the findings and had no comment, spokesman Juan Palomo said
Interior Secretary Gale Norton, in Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday, said reviews precede the sale of federal petroleum leases and "very frequently we take land out of consideration (because of) wildlife values." When leasing does occur, restrictions sometimes are imposed out of concern for wildlife, she said.
That is the best one I have heard all day. I don't know where this occurs, but it sure as hell is not here. Maybe in DC "very frequently" means never. :rolleyes: :BLEEP:
I hear that...another of Shrubs puppets trying to make the average U.S. citizen feel good about having THEIR PUBLIC LANDS plundered for corporate profit.

Would you expect anything less?

I wonder why they're losing so many lawsuits???Hmmmm????
I guess I'm lucky as the district I work in isn't sitting over much oil or gas, but to the south the Price district just got over 60,000 comments on their draft RMP. Most had to do with oil/gas leases. I flew over one of their currently producing fields at Xmas and it looks all too much like the pics from WY. Wells couldn't have been more than every 160, if that. My wife who really doesn't take much of an interest in these types of issues was taken aback by it a bit.
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