Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Total Downer

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
So Friday night I had my truck all packed and ready to go in anticipation of a trip I've been planning for two years. All I had to do Saturday morning is jump in my pick up and turn the key. That is just what I did...and the engine light came on. It's not a minor problem and it will likely end up with my buying another truck if I can find what I want/need. I called my two friends I was going to go with, and told them to go without me. So while I spent all day working and spending money on my truck, to no avail, my buddy's had an epic day. They caught over 60 very large trout between them. Not likely any were under 20". I'm happy for them, bummed about my current situation, and I don't know when I'll have a new set of wheels under me. Down time sucks!
Sorry to hear about your truck. I always really enjoy your fishing posts/pictures.
On the bright side at least I wasn't a couple hundred miles from home in the middle of nowhere when the engine took a dump. This isn't my first rodeo, but dealing with car salesman and/or buying a new vehicle ranks very, very, low with things I like to do with my time. It's all a gamble. I wonder how offended the car salesman would be if I showed up in waders, just to keep all the BS off my clothes...
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Sorry to hear about your car troubles. Hope you have good luck trying to find a new vehicle, and making up for lost fishing time.
Sorry to hear Big Sky. Hopefully you get fixed up soon. If you still want to go let me know and I'll drive up from MS and take you! :)
I wonder how offended the car salesman would be if I showed up in waders, just to keep all the BS off my clothes...

A good salesman would love it...and use it to his advantage.;)

Good luck Troy...
I got 99 problems but a truck ain't one! Hate dealing with vehicle issues, I'm bound, as we all are to have one sooner or later.
I'd like to know this spot that every trout is over 20". That would make land of the giants look like minnows.
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