Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Scouting gear list


New member
Jan 13, 2019
Getting ready for season coming up and need to start hitting the mountain and wanted to share my gear list with y’all. What do you think? Is there anywhere I could save weight or things I should add? Or maybe something out there that works better then what I have? This is for a three day scouting trip (will share summer and winter lists once season hits) in California where the weather will be high 80-100 and lows around 50. I guessed on the food amount not completely sure how much I take weighs. The only thing I did not include is my pistols and the clothes I’ll be wearing which is a light shirt, ball cap, pants, and boots. Thanks in advance!

Once you get this minimalist a lot is personal preference, my way of saying you are good to go...

Personally, I would ditch the pistol, machete, and the sea to summit cup. I have a similar “pot” which is really just a big mug and use that for everything. I’ve had several people bring large knives and/or machetes on trips and never had a use for them. I can butcher an elk with a havalon.
I’m just not a handgun guy, maybe if I was solo in grizz country.

I might add a small folding saw if you like having a fire.

Maybe a 6 pack of your favorite beer as well ;)
I don't do pistols much in that circumstance, but I'll assume it's worth it to you for the peace of mind. I wouldn't bother with baselayer bottoms in those temps myself but again you know what makes you comfortable. In summer temps you can go pretty spare. Enjoy your trip!
Thanks for the feedback guys to address some questions starting off with the pistol is I won’t go anywhere in the backcountry without one where I know bears are around I’ve been charged by to many of them during season I will not take my chances without it. With the base layer bottoms I agree I probably won’t need them and I might of never used them in the summer but I just have some more piece of mind knowing I have them in case temps drops or winds really pick up but I may leave them and my long sleeve fleece shirt at home one of these trips. As for the machete it is a hit or miss sometimes it has been really handy and sometimes it never leaves the pack in this country we don’t have big timber and a lot of brush to go through plus forest service doesn’t do shit around here, I also use the back of it for the saw blade to cut wood.
I'd keep the handgun for the 2 legged predators. Just because you're in the woods doesn't mean that bad people aren't there. Just recently a couple was stabbed when they exited their tent after the perp said he was going to burn them alive in their tent. This is not an isolated incident.
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I'd keep the handgun for the 2 legged predators. Just because you're in the woods doesn't mean that bad people aren't there. Just recently a couple was stabbed when they exited their tented after the perp said he was going to burn them alive in their tent. This is not an isolated incident.

Yeah but if you go by this logic you're gonna want to carry a gun every time you leave the house.
Yeah but if you go by this logic you're gonna want to carry a gun every time you leave the house.

A person is very vulnerable when asleep. If I go to the city park and sit on a bench I don't feel vulnerable, but if I were to sleep in the park you can bet I wouldn't get much sleep with one eye open.

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