Right choice?


New member
Nov 25, 2009
New York
I was hunting today and passed up a one antlered deer. I'm only 14 and its my first year deer hunting. I have been hunting everyday after school and was lucky to see a doe from time to time. But, yesterday i got two pictures of a 5 point and the one antlered guy. I was just wondering what you guys think.

P.S. theres only 2 more days of the ny rifle season!!
What you shoot is a personal decision only you can make. You might not get a deer in the end, but you get to hunt longer. If you are happy with a deer, shoot it and be proud of it, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Good luck the last two days!
Ya, oak is right! If you want it take it, if not enjoy and keep hunting. That the fun part anyway!
What Oak said. It is your hunt and what ever you want to shoot will be a trophy that you will never forget. Good luck on getting your first deer!!!
My very first buck I took with my bow when I was 14, it was a 2x2 (1984). I am just as proud of that buck as I am of the 182" 7x8 I killed in 2008. A trophy is in the eye of the beholder and like everyone else said it only matters to you. Good luck and good hunting!
What you shoot is a personal decision only you can make. You might not get a deer in the end, but you get to hunt longer. If you are happy with a deer, shoot it and be proud of it, and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.

Good luck the last two days!

+1!! That's one of the great things about hunting, you make it what you want it to be! Even if you don't get a deer, all the things you learned this year will do nothing but help you shoot more deer later in life. Keep after it and good luck!
Its your tag. Use it on any legal deer you want to and don't worry about what anyone else thinks about it. If it makes you happy shoot it.
Just thought id let you guys know i had a four point walk in on me this morning. But he followed a doe down wind of me and they moved out of sight. I guess that's just how it goes. Still one more day though, and i plan to make the best of it.

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