Phantom of the Opera


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
My wife drug me to see this on our anniversary. Once again being a shameless man, I'm not much for musicals, but The Wife likes Andrew Lloyd Weber so off we went. Other than a few places where I got a slap on the arm for sniggering at a particularly high note for the male leads, it wasn't too bad, for a musical. The female lead was very pretty and whoever did her singing for her (perhaps she did it herself?) was reasonably talented. I did enjoy the fact that it had changing scenery and locations rather than the props you'd expect in a play. However, even The Wife wasn't too impressed with the fellow playing The Phantom; she didn't like his voice & delivery.

The Wife says it gets 3 Spikes because it was good, but not as good as a live production. I abstain from spiking because, well, any musical is flawed as far as I'm concerned. ;) I will say that I enjoyed it more than the Madonna version of Evita that she drug me to a few years back. |oo
I always told my wife I would take her to Phantom so I am glad it is going to be in a theater and not on Broadway! HA HA!! I am curious on anyone's take on Phantom of the Opera as well. I was fortunate to see it in New York quite a while ago and I must say it was very enjoyable. Of course the broadway production is probably way better than the movie but I guess I will know when I take the wife to see it at the cinema.
Les Miserables is better than the Phantom, IMHO. Stage versions of course.

I'd like to see Les Mis done with the Andrew Lloyd Weber music in a film, like the new Phantom. I saw the Liam Nesson version of the story that was a film, done around 5 years ago. The story was good, but the music would make it better. JMHO.

My wife is guilty of trying to culture me. I rebelled by wearing jeans and T-shirt to the plays. ;)
I've seen Phantom twice on stage and went to see the movie last week. I must admit, that I am somewhat of a freak about Phantom. I absolutely love the stage show (sorry if that makes me less of a man!). Anyway, I was a little leary about seeing it on film, but I was pleasantly surprised. I thought it was done very well. Yes, the Phantom's singing felt a little forced, but I thought he still did a good job. Oh, and BTW, all of the actors did their own singing. If you have the chance to see the stage production first, I would do that and than see the movie. It is much more powerful on stage, but I don't think anyone would be disappointed by the film version.

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