Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Moosie, I see you booked.....


New member
Mar 19, 2001
Now comes the real fun. If you dont mind telling me what Tom at High adventures had to say. I like to remember for future thoughts. Good job.
WHAT the heck.. you following me all over the net *WINK*

YAH, No deposits in yet but I think I'm gonig with them. I asked about success rates and he said 40-45% on the drop hunts.( For moose) I figure that means we can get my dad one and me I might be hunc out to dry. But I'll give it my ALL !! And after packing with him his out maybe one will be enough

We talked a couple times today. I'll post the Exact dates and transfers and such but If I remember right it was 8 days for Moose, and 4 for Bou... Or somethnig liek that. then the 2 days flying in, 1 day transfering, and 2 days back out... As liek 16 days total for the trip I think.

MAY BE the toughest learning of 16 days in my life, But I figured I needed to try it. And dam it I'll give it my all...

Like I told those other yahoos, Worst case is I spent alot of money to go camping with my dad in AK and will have a great time !!! thanx for your Help LBG.
You know, if I would ever spend that much on a vacation, it had better be in Europe and there had better be spas involved.