Misc. Alaska Pics


New member
Aug 10, 2002
Over the past few days I've had the pleasure of getting some fishing and sight seeing in. The following are just a few pics from the trips. Enjoy!

The ever popular, Ship Creek in downtown Anchorage.


The beautiful upper Kenai River.

The boat harbor at Homer.

Black and White of a neat little lighthouse.

Ice from Portage Glacier.
Cool pics Ovis...
There sure are a lot of guy's lined up on the banks of the river and actually in it to catch a fish or two... LOL .....I think it would be tough to get a bad pic of Alaska from what I saw when I was up there... Thanks... :D
You are absolutely right Elkchsr...very hard to get a bad pic around here.

Homerdave...Which boat is yours and when are you taking me out? :D
You know, I have always been told Homer is the place to go for really big halibut. In all my time, I have only gone out of Valdez for fish. This was my first time to Homer and I am glad I have never done a halibut trip there (sight seeing on this trip). I don't think I saw a fish over 30 lbs.

I fished the lagoon while there. Didn't hook up, but neither did many other people. When is the lagoon on fire? I did see a guy hook up three times in just a few minutes with what appeared to be a snagging technique (hook and yarn before the bobber). I've seen this technique talked about on the AOJ site...worked good for this guy.
my boat is not actually in the picture, i have it on the side of the harbor that is off to the left of the photo.i dont fish much for halibut, just catch them occasionally while trolling for feeder kings. enough to keep me in fillets. i am not sure, but i think you may have been through town during a big tide cycle. not the best for halibut ( thats why they are called clam tides :D ) if you come up here again let me know and i will give you my .02 on halibut charters, no one can gaurantee a monster, but your odds are certainly better with some guys in particular.
nice salmon, by the way. i enjoy seeing bright fish from the rivers. it is too often a picture is posted of a big king and the nicest comment i can make is " well, it sure is a pretty color" :D .

Unfortunately, I don't think I'll get another shot at running down to Homer before having to leave Saturday a.m. Maybe in the years to come ;)

Like I said before, I have only fished out of Valdez and with only one person...Dave Wiley who used to work for Popeyes and now runs his own boat. The name of his place is Orion Charters and he only targets BIG fish. The smallest halibut I have ever caught aboard his boat was 80 lbs!!! So after I got to thinking about it, not only do I have little time now, I also would feel as if I was cheating on Dave :D

Here is a link to his webpage (check out these whoppers) www.orioncharters.com

Anyhow, hopefully we can pull some more of those bright fish in tonight.