Caribou Gear Tarp

Looking for a Merriam guide


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
I know it's a OYO site. But I need to find a place that will put my wife on her first turkey. She wants a Merriam. She has been turkey hunting a few times about 9 years ago but we never got the tag punched. My fault had a huge old boy coming and had her pass the chip shot on a mature Tom. Then we had kids and life happened, but she's trying to get back into hunting. And I would like to set up a hunt next year for her. Also would be an anniversary present too. Let me know if you guys know any good guides. I'm in northern missouri so Nebraska is probably the closest. But we can travel for a good place

Nebraska has OTC tags. So does the black hills area of SD. Tags are pretty easy to draw in WY, but require a drawing. Maybe the MT guys can jump in...I think that MT is OTC for spring turkey tags too ! Montana might be alittle cheaper for a guided trip because it's not as popular as NE or SD for spring turkey hunting. Black hills have great scenery & others things to do w the wife. Cabela's runs a reputable guiding service. Any hunting booking agent to point u go some turkey guides. The going rate is roughly $400/day for a guided turkey hunt.
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I would suggest Pine Ridge of northwest Nebraska. Lots of public ground. Bird numbers are coming back from the severe blizzard a few years back. As mentioned... over the counter tags (up to three.. as of last year). $95.00.

good luck to all
the dog
So tags are $95 each and you can buy 3? I'm not above breaking out the calls. Guess they still work it's been 10 years. Lol
Now I'm thinking I can do this diy. Starting to look at some stuff and putting together a plan

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