Lion Hunter Looses Dogs!

Was it you Buzz who gave me a link that showed the effects of the Lion population in SW Montana?

If you cant tell that before you turn the hounds loose, you probably shouldnt even own dogs or be running lions.

What pisses me off, that the story isnt telling, is the sacrifice that deer/elk hunters are making so that these houndsmen can tree 26 cats in a month and half.

Good thing the Montana Houndsmen have trophy cat status so they can eat donuts and cut 10 cat tracks a day. sacrifice thousands of deer/elk annually, as well as the associated tag fees that they generate to satisfy the whining houndsmen. It would be one thing if the Resident Lion tags were $1000 each, but they're $19 dollars and on a limited quota in most of Western Montana. The math doesnt add up. I'd much rather have fewer lions on the landscape and more elk and deer for hunters. Nothing wrong with having some lions, and I'm willing to give up some deer and elk to support a reasonable population. What we have right now with lions is not reasonable...its excessive and having a huge impact on deer/elk numbers.

What a joke.

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