Iraq Survey Chief: More WMD Found


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
The head of the U.S. team conducting the search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq announced on Thursday that his group has uncovered at least ten more artillery shells filled with banned chemical weapons and is finding new WMD evidence "almost every day."

"We've found ten or twelve Sarin and Mustard rounds," said Charles Duelfer, who replaced David Kay as head of the Iraq survey group earlier this year after Kay concluded that WMDs were unlikely to be found.
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If these guys are finding these shells isolated from HE or ball or other forms of conventional ordnance it is time to worry. It ain't how the Iraqi army stored these things. What it would mean is that these damned terrorist organizations have access to them and are relocating them in preparation for something. Keep in mind they don't need guns to explode these.
!!! Gasp !!!
That just can't be, there is no WMD any where near Iraq in any way shape or form !Snicker!
Next it will be construde as a conspiracy by the far right wing that is orchastrating this whole thing and they went over their and planted this stuff. Yes, planted this stuff, thats the ticket, yea, they planted this stuff aaaannd set Sadam up to take the fall....Yea thats the ticket...Thats what happened....

I wonder why we just don't see any of this on the regular news or in the papers, they are some of the ones crying foul the loudest this being the main biggest reason we are over there in the first place... Could it really be a conspiracy by them to keep the American sheeple in the dark?
Yeah I think maybe Michael Moore has them in his basement! :rolleyes:
I think they found a hand blender, a pyrex measuring cup, a set of rubber gloves, and a spatula too...

Proof positive that they have WMD's.
Saddam used WMD against his own people (fact)

Why is there any doubt that there is/were WMD in Iraq? Is it just because we haven't found it? Well we haven't found Osama bin Laden either but does anyone doubt that he exists? I've never been able to understand the issues there... Is everyone pissed because we haven't found them or because they don't believe they were ever there??

The only doubt is who did he supply with them? He won't be making anymore and sponsoring anymore use of them. Bush did something about him continually threatening that, continually not complying with UN inspections, trying to attack us, trying to assasinate our president. Not any more, not Saddam.
Too bad you don't start your schooling sooner.... You'll soon discover with education comes less acceptance of lies from the President on items of National Security.

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