Caribou Gear

Iran warns of preemptive strike to prevent attack on nuclear sites


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
DOHA : Iranian Defense Minister Ali Shamkhani warned that Iran might launch a preemptive strike against US forces in the region to prevent an attack on its nuclear facilities.

"We will not sit (with arms folded) to wait for what others will do to us. Some military commanders in Iran are convinced that preventive operations which the Americans talk about are not their monopoly," Shamkhani told Al-Jazeera TV when asked if Iran would respond to an American attack on its nuclear facilities.


"America is not the only one present in the region. We are also present, from Khost to Kandahar in Afghanistan; we are present in the Gulf and we can be present in Iraq," said Shamkhani, speaking in Farsi to the Arabic-language news channel through an interpreter.

"The US military presence (in Iraq) will not become an element of strength (for Washington) at our expense. The opposite is true, because their forces would turn into a hostage" in Iranian hands in the event of an attack, he said.
full story

I can't imagine for a minute Iran would actually consider this unless they already have a nuke that they would be willing to use.
I think he has flash backs to his embassy storming days. He'd have a rude awakening if he thinks he's gonna make hostages outta the forces over there. They did alright against Saddams army in their war, but that was with Soviet backup for help.
If Israel fires one missile at Bushehr atomic power plant, it should permanently forget about Dimona nuclear center, where it produces and keeps its nuclear weapons, and Israel would be responsible for the terrifying consequence of this move," General Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr warned.
This could get interesting over there in the next few months.
Well guys. I guess we will just have to wait until after we get nuked before we can do anything. After all, preemptive strikes aren't agreeable to the media and teh libs. Gotta love that. In my opinion, the job of teh Commander in Chief is to protect teh safety and security of the US. If it takes a preemptive strike to accomplish this, so be it.
Sorry Nemont.....I should have been more precise. I was referring to the three stooges.....Buzz, Ithaca, and Gummer! Sorry you might have had the stretched impression that I would group you with the likes of them. My humble apologies to you if you might have had the slightest inkling any reference was made to any other than "The 3". Hope this clarifies the intent.

You should be pissed at Nemont, he made you look like an idiot.


HaHaHa.. I have to laugh thinking about Iran's military attacking anyone. Those sissyboys couldn't fight thier way out of church. Hell, I knew nuns in school that are tougher than the Iranian military..

Doesn't take much skill in planning an attack using a nuke. Heck, all they have to do is get close. They may not be able to hit us with a missile (until they get the technology from Korea or China, who got it from Klinton) but they can just put it on a boat and sail it into the harbor.
Hey WhiteTrash,

Why would you link to a thread where Nemont makes you look like an idiot???

And I am not sure why you call people "libs" when you don't have a clue. I, for one, have never voted for a Democrat for president. 2 months ago in the Idaho Primary, I voted a Republican ballot.

ANd now in this thread, even WyoTim is making you look stupid....

Respectfully yours,
Caribou Gear

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