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IDF&G Shed Season Public Comments

I commented against. I struggle with restricting one activity when so many others will proceed with no restrictions. In some parts that would be closed to picking up an antler you can shoot an elk in February. Full on area closures are a better idea if the problem is really that bad. I also brought up an idea, that I know won’t go anywhere, where shed hunting is restricted for those from neighboring states that have seasons
Submitted. Kind of torn on the issue. Seems pointless to have a season to limit people while the forest is already being pressured. Just would like a solution where the wildlife is thought of first.
Surrounding states are going to imprison Utah shed hunters in their own state. Maybe they will stop their commercialization of wildlife? Nah, don't think so.
Hello fellow outdoor enthusiasts!

I'd like to share a fantastic opportunity for all of us who cherish Idaho's wild beauty and outdoor adventures. Idaho Fish and Game has launched a Wildlife Survey, and wants to hear Idahoans opinions!

This project is on Idaho's remarkable wildlife, along with the fishing and hunting opportunities that make our state so special. If you're 18 or older and call Idaho home, you’re invited to share your thoughts.

The best part? It'll only take around 10 minutes of your time. Plus, by participating, you'll have a chance to win one of ten $200 gift cards – think of all the gear, licenses, or outdoor experiences you could enjoy with that prize!

Help shape the future of our state's wildlife conservation and outdoor activities. Click the survey link below and make your mark:

Let's come together to ensure Idaho remains a wildlife paradise. Spread the word, get your friends involved, and let's make a difference!

Thank you for being a part of preserving Idaho's natural wonders, and happy trails!

-Zachary from Rathbone Falvey Research
Hey Zachary from Rathbone Falvey Research - no they haven't. Not a single mention of this Wildlife Survey on IDF&G's website. Collect your meta data for spam e-mails some other way.

beep beep derp bzzzzzzzing beep beep boop.
Commented. Close it off. 2 years in a row if watched wildlife run off by snowmachines as soon as a big buck or bull sheds. As soon as the sun comes up and they see that critter bald, "BraaaaaAAAAp." Right towards the herd.
The likelihood that individuals collecting discarded antlers are contributors to conservation is very high. There is a direct correlation between sportsmen and antler collectors. These individuals purchase licenses and tags and support wildlife conservation. Harassment of wintering game is already a violation of the law. Regulating the possession of discarded antlers will only allow enforcement to pursue individuals with excess scrutiny. By implementing such regulations, law enforcement is categorizing sportsmen as law breakers.

If we marginalize one group of sportsmen We are internally deducing outdoor recreation and imploding our own genre. Sportsmen involuntarily regulate other hunters accomplishing that which PETA could never do. Why not just get a long?
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