NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Hunting Sheds in thicker cover.


Active member
Sep 17, 2014
Yesterday, I went out in the rain, parked the ATV a couple miles from the ranch, and commenced to walk a North slope that's a Wintering area. I found a nice, heavy Mulie shed 50 yards from where I parked. I walked a 1/4 mile from where I found it, and found the 2nd half of that rack, so I was pretty stoked to find the mate.
I then kept with my plan to walk back & forth on the ridge, serpentining my way to the top, keeping a reasonable distance from my last pass, sort of keeping within the ability to view the edge of my last pass. In other words, sort of a grid search.
When you hunt sheds this way, you often walk up on game trails with fresh sign. I often wonder if I should abandon my heading, and just follow the game trail, which may deviate from the heading I was on? I've done that, and frankly never found it all that productive, but still think it ought to be. I see low tree branches, and think if a Bull or Buck walked under that, he'd probably pop an antler off if the timing was right.
So, it's been my experience that a grid search might be more productive than just walking the trails. Wondering how others fare in this? Are game trails better than walking a grid?
When I'm in more open country, I just ride my horse around and scan everywhere, but I also put on a lot of miles walking rough country. What can I say.....I like to shed hunt.
I have had more luck with grid searching thick cover. Never had much luck along trails. I think it is all relative to how much time the animals spend in each area. Bedding areas will likely hold more sheds because the animals spend much more time there than walking game trails.