How Much Would YOU Spend at the Vet's (Not a good day yesterday)


New member
May 9, 2003
Queen Creek, AZ
I'm normally not one to air my problems in public (or to anybody, for that matter). That being said, you guys seem a supportive bunch, in spite of your outward, uncouth appearances
You know, in the past, I have had hypothetical discussions with my friends about the amount of money people will spend on a dog, at the vet. I was raised in the country - and when I was growing up, you rarely took a dog to the vet to put it to sleep, even. We were more practical than that. I have said there's no way I would spend hundreds of dollars on vet bills, especially in my current situation, where we simply could not afford it. It's amazing how you can change your mind, when the situation changes from hypothetical, to actual. Here's our story -
We have a houseful of pets, including four dogs. One of the dogs is an old cocker/terrier mix, that my wife has had for 15 years or so. That ol girl is on her last legs. My wife had asked for a puppy for Christmas. I think, whether she would admit it or not, this was a replacement for the old one. She chose another cocker/terrier mix, a cute little black and white pup. I picked it up a week ago. Anyway, I've been sick for a week, and around 3 yesterday, I finished all my work - was going to bail out of work early, stop on the way home to get some medicine, and go to bed. As I was getting ready, my pager went off - and I had to phone home. My wife was frantic - the puppy had been injured. My wife uses an electric wheelchair, and the puppy had momentarily disappeared from her sight, and she had jammed it pretty hard against the wall, with her tire. So, off I went - home is about 45 minutes from work. When I arrived home, turns out she had asked a neighbor to take the pup to the vet. Off I go, to the vet's. The whole time I'm waiting at the vet's - I'm squirming at all the scenarios - if I have a choice, should I just have her put down, and tell my wife she didn't make it? No, I could never lie to her, even if it's a white lie.. What if she can be fixed, but it's going to be hundreds of dollars? I'm really hoping that it's clear cut, one way, or the other. Well, the vet comes out, he's taken x-rays, the dog is on oxygen, blah blah. He says he "thinks" she'll be OK, but really recommends that she spend 12-24 hours at the emergency vet clinic, for observation. So I pay my bill, call my wife, and away I go. I get her to the other place, and the vet checks her out, and after awhile comes out to talk to me. Says the damage is pretty extensive, and its not going to be a matter of "keeping her overnight, and sending her home". He doesn't recommend putting her to sleep at this point, cause he thinks she's got a chance. Just the overnight stay is going to be 500 bucks. He says even then, she may need days or weeks of care, even if it is at the other (cheaper) vet's, or at home. This is the exact conversation I was dreading, and thought I had dodged, at the first vet. I'm still of the mindset it's crazy to spend this much, but it's not really my dog. I call my wife again. She is absolutely beside herself, and I can't bring myself to talk her into anything, one way or the other. She decides to keep her overnight. I have to pay the vet upfront, of course, so I do that, and head home. Of course, I'm worried about the pup, very worried about my wife, and I'm just dismal that all of our Christmas money is gone. I wouldn't say we're poor, by any stretch; but - we're a single-income family, and check-to-check is a way of life. We had finagled together a little to spend on Christmas - a little for each other, and most for our daughter. That all just went to the vet. Around 9 that night, the vet calls and says Kiani is struggling, even with oxygen. He has one more thing she can try - xrays and some procedure to get air out of her chest. This time, I make my wife get everything directly from the Doctor. She tells him to go ahead and try. An hour later, he calls and says her condition is worsening, and recommends we put her to sleep. I give him the green light. To say my wife is depressed is an understatement. She, of course, blames herself. I hate to include finances with the loss of a pet, but I just keep asking myself if I should have done something different. I think if it would have been MY dog, the decision would have been easier. 20 years ago, I would've taken one look at that pup, I think, and headed for a bucket of water - maybe that's cruel, but the net result would have been the same.

I'm real curious as to what you guys/ladies would have done? Is there a limit to how much you'd spend? Would your thought process be different, if it was your spouse's pet?

This just SUCKED, all the way around...thanks for reading my whine

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-09-2003 10:35: Message edited by: muskrat89 ]</font>
You know Muskrat that scenario plays out every day. Who can say whether or not you made the "right" decision? Guarantee you this; given the exact same scenario and the exact same set of conditions you probably would have done the very same thing. What is wrong with loving your wife so much that you would sacrifice your own beliefs and best judgement to assure her happiness? Not a thing my friend. What greater Christmas gift could you possibly grant her? God bless you for careing and trying your very best. Anyone out there know where Muskrat can get another pup real cheap?
Thanks, Santa
No thanks on a pup though - I didn't think getting this one was a good idea, but conceded, because I know her old dog is on the outs. Our other 2 dogs are bigger, and she wanted one that could get up on her. She won't be ready for another one, for awhile...
I said the same thing you said till I had to take a pup to the vet well we put the money out to save the pup and we never looked back on it as a loss. even though the pup had to be put down. she was there for 3 days so it was a good bill to pay but we paid it knowing we did the right thing.
Around $700, when all was said and done. I suspect, for a lot of families this would've been an inconvenience, but with some savings, credit cards or "mad money" tucked away, they would have rolled with the punches. For us, this was quite a blow.

You guys have all helped, though - thanks for your kind responses. They help put it into perspective.
Sorry to hear of your troubles. I can sympathize with you completely. My wife is an animal lover and I dread the day anything happens to our dog or cat.

For me personally about $200 is the most I would spend with guaranteed health afterward. I figure anything over that and I can get a new one. I suspect if your scenario played out at my house the same thing would happen because I know my wife would be devastated over the loss of a long time friend. Your wife will remember your kindness long after the hurt of the loss has passed.
The dog we had when we lived back east got heart worms and developed problems. That bill was over $1000 and that was in the early 80s. The following year he developed Lupis and that bill ran us another $1000 and had to kepp buying meds to give him on a daily basis for the remaider of his life. Several times he had bad times with the Lupis and the vet bill were always there. But you know what, it was the best money I spent. I do not regret spending money on my beloved friend that I lost last week to cancer either. The cost of the surgery to give him a few more months was very much worth it and I would gladly do it again. The decision you made was the right one as far as I am concerned. How can you, or anyone, place a price on love and compassion? As the years go by, you will look back at this and know your decision was the right one. Everytime you look in your wife's eyes, you will know the right choices were made.
My wifes Pit, tore a ligament or tendon or some damn thing in her hind leg, $900 to get it repaired.
Then I had a beagle get hit by a car. The vet tried but couldn't do anything. NO CHARGE. He tried various treatments, but didn't charge us a nickle.
Thats the way it should be. I think the second vet took advantage of you. He new the dog probably wasn't going to make it. But had to make his car payment.
Our lab got sick soon after we moved out to Spanaway. We thaught she just had some kind of dog flu type of thing after all dogs get sick, and throw up. When we finally took her to the vet she would stand in her wter dish and she would be burning up, in the fall. I thin the final bill for her was around $300-$350, but i'm not sure. We found out that she does not like Peptoe Bismal either. She;s either 11 or 12 now and still running aroudn and playing with our other dog and still going to the bathroom outside so w don't have to worry right now. I just hope she lives afew more years, I'm not done having her yet.

Quick Draw
Musky i`m looking at a $450 cat right now, five years ago it broke it`s leg, and if it was my choice i would have put it down, but it makes my wife very happy, so we paid the $450. i had to put my dog down myself, and it was hard but it had to be done, if it comforts your wife then i say you have to weigh the value, look at it this way it`s still cheaper than "Diamonds" and maybee more fun. Hard to beat anything that makes you and your wife happy. the way it works at my house is if the wife ain`t happy nobody`s happy.

I would have done the same and have.We had a dog get into antifreeze and spent 600 bucks saving its life. Sorry for your loss.
i just spent over $700 last month on my dog after she went throw a window an cut her leg very badly shes going to miss this years duck hunts hopefully she will be ok by next year

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