PEAX Equipment

Help with 10x42 binos


New member
May 2, 2004
Seville, Florida
Guys, I am wanting to get a pair of 10x42 binoculars for glassing elk and mule deer in Montana. I have a cheaper pair of 8x32's that aren't getting the job done, as well as a spotting scope, but I think the larger power binos will be a help.I don't need glasses for distance so that isn't an issue. I would like to be able to see horns at western distances, however. I've been told that anything larger in power would probably be too shakey without a tripod.
I have about $600 to spend, and the following fall into that range:



Elete e2



I have looked thru the Steiners, and their clairity and brightness are outstanding. I have heard a number of comments both positive and negative about their products,however. They are listed as a birding bino, and I wonder if they are tough enough for the mountians of Montana.

The Vortex Viper was listed as the best buy by Field and Stream last year, but I haven't seen them anywhere.

I am not very knowledgeable about optics, but I have studied the specs on all of these models. If you have opinions about the power I need for my purpose, or have any experience with these models--or anything comparable- I would be greatful for your comments.

Thank you in advance,
For a person "not very knowledgeable about optics", you have come up with a great list. Obviously you’ve done your home work.
Everybody eye’s are slightly different, just like finger prints. Because of this, the best binocular to me might not be the best to you. That’s why it’s best to “try before you buy”.
If you can’t do that locally, there some mail order dealers that will let you buy two or three, then return the ones you don’t like as long as they (the binoculars) are still in perfect, re-sellable condition.

I would suggest the “Vortex Vipers” as the best in your price range.

If you want to compare them to something, the Nikon Monarch are a well known benchmark for mid range hunting binoculars.
At least you're ahead of the curve simply by realizing that your old pair of binos wasn't cutting it... You're right- substandard glass is a handicap when trying to glass for western deer beyond 3-400 yards.
I'm an admitted optics snob, and sold my soul and various other things I own in order to afford the best (in my opinion only) on the market. Wisely for you, they're not on your list.
As far as 10 power binoculars being so powerful that shakes and tremors are more pronounced, I'd have to say that it's true -they do shake more, but it depends on the individual. My brother likes his vodka too much so he shakes like a paintmixer. I don't shake so I can use a 10X just fine. For really long stuff, I've developed a way of inserting my rifle's barrel between the two objective lenses of my binos like a monopod - it dampers the shakes down to nothing. It really helps when I'm glassing at 1/2 to 1 mile ranges.
Out of all the brands you've listed I've only handled and looked through two: The Leupold and the Stiener. The Stieners had those goofy rose tinted objective lenses which I don't think they offer anymore. They were ok, but the reproduced colors appeared artificial. The Leupolds were in two models: the Wind River and the grey model Golden Rings. The Golden Rings were very good -bright with truer color reproduction and finer contrast (finer focus). The Wind Rivers were on par with the Stieners. I'd rate both the Stieners and the Wind Rivers as being adaquate but not topdrawer.
I remember what it was like having a family with mouths to feed, and spending $2k on optical equipment wasn't on the top of the list of important things to have. Good luck finding what you need. DD
I have a pair of Swaro EL and a Pair of Vortex Viper and I would highly suggest the vipers they have very good glass. I have spent quite a bit of time testing them and really like them for the price about a fifth of the EL price, picked them up here for right under $400.
Lefty, I've been shopping for some new glass myself and for $699 you can get a demo pair of Minox HG 10x43. This is by far the best bang for the buck (to my eyes) that I have looked through. If you can get your hands on a pair, I would check them out.
In that price range, I would go with either the Minox or the Viper. Another option would be to find a pair of the Zeiss Classics on the used market.
I would go with either the Minox or the Viper.
IMO, that is very good advice. Though I would go with the 8X42, but that's just my preference. I think Minox is a very big bang for the buck! I'm tempted to get one of their spotters.
I pack Nikon Monarch's and think they are worth every penny. They are bright, crisp, and sharp throughout the sight picture. I would love to have a higher dollar set but these do everything I need for the money. I would take a good look at them.

- Coop
I have some experience with a few that you mentioned.

Have used several models of Steiners in various military conditions, and they got used daily and used hard. No problems with durability, and never saw a pair that was not crystal clear.

Leupold Golden Rings are also excellent. Amazing what you can see compared to sub $200 glass. Can't go wrong there.

I have not been overly impressed with any of the Bushnell models, except the Elite series. The Elites are top notch. I have an extra pair, still new in the box on the shelf at home, not sure if they are 8x43 or 10x43, but if interested let me know offline.

The last one I know much about is the Nikon Monarch. Far as I am concerned, unless you are a optics freak, this is all you will ever need, and the best bang for your buck. I have used these in the past, and have sold them to several friends who still rave about them. Rugged as hell, great warranty, crystal clear and if you shop should be able to find them for about $280 in 10x42 black or $10 more in camo. Would leave you enough cash to pick up a quality rangefinder also and stay under $600

Just my 2 cents worth, by no means an expert.
Best of luck on your trips out west
Leupold 10X42

I got a chance to use the Leupold 10x42 gold rings on a hunt with Big Fin earlier this week. I was very impressed. I have a pair of Swaro 15x50s and though they are smaller and have less magnification I consider the Leupold 10X42 to be of equal quality.
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I got the vortex vipers last year and really like them but listen the the people who live out west and know and use their optics.Shop around lots of good deals out there.You may want to check out A lot of people use them and I haven't heard any complaints yet.
leftylock...those mentioned are all nice...I would strongly consider the nikon monarchs...they have great clairity, warranty etc. I have a pair of old steiner military/marine that have been to hell and back and still do great though I'm not familiar with the merlins...have you looked at burris?...they are great quality too.
maybe these links will help...alot of good info/pricing
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05-25-2008, 01:39 AM

Help with 10x42 binos

It's been nearly a year and a half, which ones did you purchase?

Best buy on binos I've found were the Minox HG 10x42 from Doug's Cameraland.
I would suggest the Bushnell Elite's. They just added ED Prime Glass and look to be very nice. I am very biased to Bushnell for their quality and have been buying their products for years. You could also go with a pair of Bushnell Legend UHD's for half your budget and save some money and have a great pair of binos that would do you a great job for years!
If your interested I have a pair of cabelas euros I will sell for $650 I can send pics if you are interested. These are awsome just selling because I picked up another pair of meoptas. (The euros are made by meopta too.)
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