Caribou Gear

Has this ever happened to you while turkey hunting?


Active member
Apr 23, 2019
Brother-in-law and I were hunting turkeys here in Colorado along a not so used 4 wheel drive road that animals tend to treat like a highway. We had a feeding hen decoy set up just off the road. Around 10:00 am we see some movement through a bush, thinking a Tom his come in to our calls we sit patiently. Instead of a Tom, a pretty decent coyote smashes the Hen decoy. Threw a shot at him as he high tailed it out of there. Needless to say I don’t know who was more surprised, us or the coyote.
Not while turkey hunting, but once while goose hunting the edge of a field we had a coyote sprint out of the weeds and run right through the decoys. I think between the commotion we made and the fact that the geese weren't moving, he knew something was wrong and he just kept going at full speed.
I had a coyote pass down wind of our duck decoy spread and I think smell the dead geese we had and stalk in to 6 yards before the guy at the end of the blind let him have it, dead city, face full of 3.5” bb..

I know of a guy, who has a brother who met a guy in a bar in another country who heard of a guy who had his turkey decoy attacked by a mountain lion in the people’s republic of Kalistan, as the story goes it didn’t end well for the cat. But probably just a urban legend..
Killed several coyotes over the years that have come in to my turkey calls. My first experience was when a double came in. One coyote attacked the decoy while the second one jumped over the log I was sitting behind only to be shot mid leap in the face. The dang thing landed dead on my feet. I was a bit surprised to say the least!
I have shot coyotes attaching my turkey decoys in the spring and my goose decoys in the fall. My old Chesapeake was not impressed that coyotes attacked HER goose decoys :LOL:
I get them to come in to fawn bleats in the fall, maybe 8-10 times total, and last year had 2 come in to a rattle sequence. They’re opportunistic hunters hoping for an easy meal and often check out a variety of animal sounds to see if there’s a wounded, distracted, or otherwise vulnerable animal they can make a play on.
I had a coyote pass down wind of our duck decoy spread and I think smell the dead geese we had and stalk in to 6 yards before the guy at the end of the blind let him have it, dead city, face full of 3.5” bb..

I know of a guy, who has a brother who met a guy in a bar in another country who heard of a guy who had his turkey decoy attacked by a mountain lion in the people’s republic of Kalistan, as the story goes it didn’t end well for the cat. But probably just a urban legend..
I have killed more coyotes duck/goose hunting than any other kind of hunting. One place I go has a lot of levees and ditches connecting the marshes and they use them like highways until freeze up.
A couple years ago I had a bobcat stalk in to about 5 feet of my turkey decoys before it realized something wasn’t right. Also had a coyote come in to my calls one spring.
I've had coyotes and bobcats within an arms reach of me before while stacking my decoys. I've had buzzards swoop at my decoys and at live turkeys in fields before.

All fairly common.
I had one sneaking in on a decoy a couple years ago. Unfortunately for him, the turkeys weren't cooperative so he became the target of opportunity.
I have frequently called in 'yotes and bobcats while turkey hunting. Always when not using a decoy, though. A couple of times an owl has come to investigate. That's always a hoot. LOL