Caribou Gear

Goodell lowers the boom on Taints


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Hastings, MN
The Taints got the book thrown at em...

Can’t think of a more deserving crew:

Sean Payton suspended 1 year

Gregg Williams suspended indefinitely

GM suspended 8 games

Linebacker coach suspended 6 games

Loss of a couple draft picks
Makes Hunting on Sundays a lot longer easier now! My opinion may be biased, but they are not the only team out there doing this, you take a guy out and it just adds to your value a lot more than $1500. John
I think what really got them is the fact that they had put the whole system in writing. Hard to argue with that evidence.
I’m sure they aren’t/weren’t the only ones but they got caught, with a lot of proof (emails etc), specifically targeting certain players (Favre, Rodgers, Newton & Warner) over a course of 3 years, lied to the league about it when caught, then continued the program after the first investigation. I think they got off easy.
I am sure they were not the only ones doing it. But, when doing something this stupid, you have to know that if you are the one who gets caught, you will be the one who is used for an example.

I think this is a great decision. When you have players who have mortgaged their entire financial futres based on their health allowing them to play for the short careers of the NFL, other players trying to take them out needs to be dealt with harshly.

We can debate the insanity of betting your entire future on your health, in a dangerous pastime of professional football, but hard to argue the inappopriateness of trying take out your competitors and providing a bounty system for doing so.
I think they got off easy.


I don't think anyone would argue that they are the only ones who did this, or that this type of behavior is not good for football, so I don't feel bad for them at all. I would hate to think of the message that would have been sent if they just got a slap on the wrist.

I think making the arguement that lots of team do this is pure BS. The fact that they were stupid enough to document it, meant they were going to be the ones to have an example made of them. The NFL did the right thing, they maybe should have looked at stripping their Superbowl Championship.

You just can't fix stupid.
I was suprised by the severity of the penalty but feel it was deserved. Brees to the 49ers?!?!
Well, there goes Goodell's chances of being NHL commish.;)

This thing has a PC smell IMO but I agree the way they went about it was stoopid.
Of course it smells PC. This type of thing has been going on for a long time. Problem is, no teams were as brazen and stupid as the Saints. When word of it leaked, the NFL had to drop the hammer. No way around it. Extinguish the outrage.

I think they got off easy because we're talking about endangering guys' careers purposefully. Football is a violent game, played at violent speeds and guys are going to get hurt regardless. Targeting them and trying to hurt them is dumb. Getting caught means you pay a steep price.
Brees to the 49ers that is funny. A good thought but funny. I agree with Randy. I also do believe it has been going on for a long time. TOM BRADY!
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