Yeti GOBOX Collection

Free drawing for a Yamaha 700


New member
Dec 15, 2000
Aksai, Kazakhstan via Covington Louisiana
Not trying to promote something here and maybe you know something about this place that I have yet to learn. Also wanted to share the contest with Hunt Talk members so you can at least enter the drawing for the quad. First let me tell you about my experience.
I was doing a bit of searching for free online outdoor contests and give aways and I found this one for a new Yamaha Grizzly 700 FI Auto 4x4 ATV.

So, I gave it a try, went online and entered as I am game for anything that is free. :D During the visit, I also noticed that they had a web site with weekly hunt give aways, contests and a forum! Sounded good, but it required a membership fee that was billable either monthly or annually. HOLD the freaking PHONE!
I understand that many have donated to to support Hunt Talk, because let's face it, Hunt Talk Rocks and many of us that have been around through the thick and thin will always call this our only hunting forum.
I honestly asked myself why the hell would I want to pay to join an online club? So, after my entry was confirmed, I clicked out and forgot about it.
The rest of the story!
Normally, I do not pick up telemarketers calls when home, but I was chilling out by the pool last month and the phone rang. I looked and saw sportsmen, thinking it could be louisiana Sportsmen wanting to get another fishing report from the lake to put in the magazine. So figured I would pick it up to see what this was about. If nothing else to use my " homicide investigation in progress routine" on the telemarketer and have a good laugh freaking someone.:rolleyes: Tell you that trick later.

The caller was from SNA and calling to confirm that my name was in the drawing and then proceeded to tell me about the SNA. Basically, they have a television show and a web site. I told him "I knew I had read that when I entered and appreaciated the offer, but would like to check it out more when I had a chance." Yes, I was polite fo once.

So, one evening after watching their Sportsmen of North America TV show on MAN, decided to check out the place. I figured I was already entered in the free drawing and it would be worth the $4.00 to have a look.
The forum was and is still dead, you could see from a post that they have over 2500 members in this new "Club", but only 110 people signed up on their single subject forum. I had to wonder at that moment if it was legit or if I had just used my card online and would start getting bills from Botswana!

The list of hunts looked great, but I wanted to check that out and sure enough, they are giving away free hunts weekly to members as they discuss on the show and also have a weekly photo contest for a few high end outdoor products.

I figured, what the hell, I have paid my price, so I entered a few photos and forgot about it. A week later I got an e-mail to congratulate me on winning a Trijicon Scope.
So, I changed my membership and joined for a year. I the way I look at it it is the cost of a single beer a week, or $4.00 a month that would far less than I spend on raffle tickets at the CCA, DU, RMEF and other places I spend some extra cash on the raffles. Did win some nice stuff at last years banquet for the CCA and DU.

Again, just sharing my experience and not promoting it. if nothing else, enter the free quad give away and if you they call, you don't have to pick it up.
Still waiting on it. they told me it was shipped out and should get in this week. the wife is away so i guess I will not know until the week after next.
Anyone here know more about that place? i figure we can at least put in for the quad. And if the photo contest come through then I know that there are some pictures the folks have on here would rule the day with any contest. I notice they are giving another scope away this week. but it is a tasco. POS
Wife just mailed, house keeper got the scope today via UPS and had to sign fur it. Although she can't spll as guud as uses. It is a Trijicon Least she got that part right so guess they are for real..
Thus the reason for the spell checker on the site. Moosie can't spell for shit either..

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