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Frankenkerry uses loophole in campaign finance rules to stock up on $$


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Henderson, KY
Organizations known as 527s have emerged as soft money dumping grounds, allowing candidates to circumnavigate hard limits on the amount of money individuals, corporations and unions can donate to their campaigns. The rules governing 527s, established in the wake of the far-reaching McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform, have not been fully worked out, and thus far Democrats have been using the uncertainty to their advantage.

Reports circulated Washington in the past week that several 527s have launched what amounts to a parallel campaign to Kerry's official presidential bid, in essence augmenting the campaign's funds, which stood at nearly $30 million to President Bush's $147 million as of Feb. 1.

I'm sure it's all just a big misunderstanding; Kerry doesn't mean to wiggle around the law. He's all about honesty in Washington! Polly want a cracker!
This is funny stuff.... The Dem/Communist/Libs just a couple years ago were beating the drums to limit the money's that go into the coffers of would be or incumbent politicians because it's "Just not fair" (spoken in high pitched whiney voice. Then true to their very nature, figure any and all loopholes to run around that which they denounce and sneak their hands back under the table to take any thing that they can get. They have no morals and ethics, nor doe's this really ever seem to be a part of their lives and existence when the fickle public winds of change start to blow from another direction usually sparked from our esteemed media!!! :rolleyes:
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
They have no morals and ethics, nor doe's this really ever seem to be a part of their lives and existence when the fickle public winds of change start to blow from another direction usually sparked from our esteemed media!!! :rolleyes:
Can anybody explain what that sentence was supposed to mean? :rolleyes:
It means the Democratic/communist/liberal/PETA/starry eyed/knee jerk/socialist/greenie/left wing/pointy headed/over educated/outta touch/limp wristed/head up their ass wackos don't know shit from shineola and only care which way the breeze is blowin'. :D
Hey Ithica,
You forgot "granola" (or as MD4ME would spell it "Gronola),,,,,

I was always taught to make sure I hunt with the wind in my face. Now I find out on a Hunting Forum, that one should not care which way the wind blows?

I read that sentence a number of times, and could not get it to make any sense. I tried to read it as a run-on, and that didn't help. I am guessing I don't know what "fickle public winds" are.
Well Ithica got it right. I see that our esteemed Gunner can only take things out of context and try to make sense of half a post. No wonder your having problems with it....Maybe try reading the whole thing and you will get it...

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