Yeti GOBOX Collection

First Archery Deer


Jul 24, 2010
SW Idaho
I harvested this fine doe the other night. Had an extra doe tag in my pocket and access to some nice ag fields. Had set my ground blind where the group of does had been coming out to feed. On this night I had hoped I was given another chance since a few nights prior I shot right over the back of another doe just 30 yards away. Well I was rewarded with another opportunity but a bit longer of a shot. I let the arrow fly and watched the solid hit pass right through the vitals. I am new to bowhunting and this is my second great animal with a bow; the first being a black bear. I finally stopped shaking from the excitement and thrill. My young daughter also helped me track her and when we found her exclaimed "I can't wait to eat her; but at home daddy."


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What`s so great about that feeling that you decribed,
"I finally stopped shaking from the excitement and thrill"
is that it happens every time you watch that arrow slip through the vitals! I love it! :D

Congrats on a nice doe and you should be a "happy daddy", you have a cute kid tagging alone beside you! :D
Thanks everyone. It was an awesome hunt. My daughter loves to get outside and look for deer and any other "cool" animals. It was awesome having her there when the deer was found and even better that she didn't freak out.
awesome, my daughter is going too turn 4 in april and I think I will be taking her turkey hunting with me.... doesn't get any better than that sharing the great outdoors with your own kid.... any kid actually...