Farmers Subsidies

kiwi hunta

New member
Jul 17, 2002
New Zealand
OK First up I gotta admit I'm a dumb phuck,

I'm not a Paws, Buzz, Gunner or an Oscar, I do though try to read the Editorials of the major papers around the world and the leading stories 3 or 4 times a week to try and get a balanced outlook on world affairs,
I'm still a dumb fugger though, anyhow I was reading this Editorial that states that the Bush administration spends upwards of $3.2 billion on cotton subsidies to its farmers $3.2 billion, now the poor old native chaps in places like Chad in South Africa have said ..UM listen up there fellas, we have an an agreement under the World trade orginisation,s rules and regulations about this kind of thing,

This distorts the market and depresses the prices to the stage where I have to eat my children to stay alive !! the USA cotton farmers were

"outraged and appalled that another country would attempt to dictate USA policy"

Now I know that the subsidies were created in the 1930,s to to help struggling small holders during the depression, same as in most countries in the world {N.Z last subsidies were phased out in the 1970,s} anyhow nowadays two thirds of those subsidies go to the top 10% of farms, big corporate farms, the USA is currently producing cotton at 60% below its true cost of production, now do you guys think that this is right ?? put it this way,
The Western African countries lost millions directly due to the involvement of the USA subsidies to its own farmers, you know if the African nations could increase its international exports by 1% it would earn $70, billion annually , FIVE times what it receives in financial aid, now why does this matter ?? Well the only way that countries like Japan and South Korea become properous was they made enough capital investment to plough it back into there farms and childrens education, "so what" you say, Well they are now healthy democracies.
AS I said I'm a dumb bastard and maybe sometimes I just think to much maybe I should just move to the states and grow cotton ;)

Well not really I,m just sick of the attitude of the big guys saying

"whats good for us is all that matters"


"you don't want us interferring in your country" well you aint a USA cotton farmer so whatever you say don't matter.

So any ways guys why in hell do the worlds richest nations; USA, Germany , Great Britian etc need to support its industries and agriculture with subsidies ?? is that why they are so rich, is it false economy, can some of you Mensa type guys help me out here please.

Cheers Jeff.

If you don't keep other nations economically depressed, you will lose the title of Richest Nation in the World.

Places like Chad should be happy they don't have enough Oil, or Dubya would be annexing them....
I don't necessarily agree with subsidies but I find it interesting that the same people who rail against moving jobs oversee, because labor is cheaper off shore, would be in favor of ending subsidies to U.S. produces.

I find that kind of an interesting position. The free flow of goods and trade is generally good for everyone. It is not just the US govt. that subsidize agriculture most do, I know New Zealand is thought to be the exception but that isn't always true.

Note I am not agrueing subsidies are good I am just pointing out some inconsistencies in that arguement.

Oh and another thing is wasn't the Bush administration who put the subsidy in place. Nor was the Clinton Admin. nor the Bush 1 admin, nor the Reagan, nor the Carter,, Nor the Nixon,Nor the Johnson Admin., Nor the Kennedy, nor the Eisenhower, nor the Truman admin. So why do you say the "Bush administration" spends 3.2 Billion on the subsidy?

NEMONT - You now why when farmers in eastern Montana die they only bury them 6 inches under the ground? ---- So they can still get their hand out.Ha Ha Ha! My dads family came from the Wolf Point area and when my uncle who stayed on the farm would come to visit my dad would always bring that little joke to the surface. Canadian government subsidized logging and lumber cost me my last job. What goes around comes around. Later TK

good one, I will have to remember that. The USDA employs nearly 300,000 people and one day one of their workers comes to work and see his buddy just crying his eyes out.

So the guy goes over to see what was the matter. The one crying looks up and says, "My farmer died".

My father in law, who farmed North of Malta used to love to say the only difference between CRP and welfare is that CRP paid better.

Nemont the editorial stated the current administration signed off the latest subsidies, I imagine they are responsible for all government fiscal spending.
Nemont the editorial stated the current administration signed off the latest subsidies, I imagine they are responsible for all government fiscal spending.
Actually it is the congress that controls the nations purse string the President sumbits the budget. The president really can't spend any money without congressional okay, unless it is a national emergency.
