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Experiments Establish 'Protein-only' Nature Of Prion Infections


New member
Dec 11, 2000
next to the rock over by the tree on the other sid
I don't know if this belongs here but it does concern CWD in a way and I found it interesting.

Scientists have grappled for years with one of the central tenets of the protein-only hypothesis, namely, that a single prion protein, when unaltered by genetic mutation, can give rise to different strains of prions with varying infectivity and other properties. The two research groups established that the strains could be accounted for by different misfolded conformations of the same protein. The researchers say this finding could contribute to better understanding of the functioning of disease-causing prions in animals and humans.
Wow!! :eek: The possibilities are mind boggeling. Thanks for sharing!!
Whiskers it means: cancer may be definable and cured, it proves conclusively that there is a God, it may lead to a method of potential reproduction without sex, it explains infinity and how eternal life is possible. And I ain't kidding either!!