DIY Lion Hunting?

Its totally doable.. although most won't put the time and effort into doing so. You'll definitely put on some miles doing so. I've tracked a few cats and jumped them while "cat napping", it'll happen if you put some effort into it. Also glassing areas with cat sign and isolated wintering elk/deer in canyon areas are productive. Finding kills and sitting them are also an option.

I tracked this one and caught it napping under a pine tree and decided to bring it dogs...
Digging up this old post as I just booked flights to Denver for an elk hunt in Wyoming with son during the first half of December 2023.

I have started looking at lion outfitters in southern Wyoming, but if anyone can recommended an outfitter that would be great.

Ever better, if you have room for my son and I to join your lion hunt I would be happy to take you hunting here in New Zealand anytime.
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Digging up this old post as I just booked flights to Denver for a hunt in Wyoming during the first half of December 2023.

I have started looking at lion outfitters in southern Wyoming, but if anyone can recommended an outfitter that would be great.

Ever better, if you have room for my son and I to join your lion hunt I would be happy to take you hunting here in New Zealand anytime.
I wish I had dogs and could help you.
For me the best thing about hunting North America is the chance to dream about hunting a new species and then occasionally making it happen DIY with hunting friends. I've done two amazing hunts in Wyoming the last two years that until recently I never thought I’d ever be able to do. This year I'm heading to Alberta to try for archery bear and moose.

Anyway, now I am looking at DIY mountain lion hunting. I know this hunting is normally with dogs but is there a way to realistically hunt lion with out dogs? Maybe a predator call or over a gut pile? Also any recommendations on the best state / area to hunt would be appreciated.

I might end up going with a guide but only if OYO isn't realistic.

Don’t worry about the naysayers. There’s tons out there.
Caribou Gear

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