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CWD in CO and WY

Jesus scientist and our society piss me off sometimes. Why not quit putting innocent primates through these gruesome depressing test out of a cage (that cant fully be compared to human transmission anyways) and go grab a dozen death row inmate murderer POS's and test CWD on them? That way we know for sure a lot faster!/Rant

Excellent summary. The fact there exists multiple strains may pour some cold water on the genotype susceptibility theory.

I remember my microbiology professor during undergrad studies saying prions had the potential to cause mass extinctions and human death. I still think he was being a bit of an alarmist but you can see how he arrived there (can't destroy it, replicates prolifically, breaks down slowly, gets into plants, no cure, etc.).
Oh boy. You REALLY need to go read through old threads. Or read through the previous part of THIS thread. Clif’s Notes history matter what the government has or hasn’t done about CWD, hunters don’t like it.

More suggestions for you...listen to Randy’s podcast with Drs. Kelly Straka and Krysten Schuler. Or listen to Rinella’s podcast with Dr. Bryan Richards. Both are excellent.
I listened to the Randy Newberg podcast and I want to say thanks so much for this information it was very help. What I got out of the podcast was it spreads so after the kill debone, get it tested and if positive get rid of all the animal. So great measures must be taken now to help prevent spreading. They do not want you to drag the animal because it would spread the CWD.
Dragging the animal isn’t really the issue. The main point is don’t take the deer carcass you shot in an endemic area home with you to a place without CWD and pitch the bones and junk out on the back 40 somewhere.
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